Act 4: Mercy, Justice, and Loyalty The Merchant of Venice Act 4: Mercy, Justice, and Loyalty
Final Quiz! What value or idea did you see as being at stake in today’s reading?
Act 4, Scene 1: Antonio’s Trial Look closely at lines 7-13; What is Antonio’s mood going into trial? Has it changed since we last encountered him? What does the Duke expect of Shylock? What kinds of words does he use to try to manipulate Shylock’s decision? Chicago Theater Production, 2012
Shylock’s World View Look closely at lines 38-39; What sort of leverage does Shylock hold over the court? At first, Shylock refuses to explain why he wants to have the pound of flesh rather than the money; Later, however, he provides reasons; what are his reasons? While everyone else tries to reason with Shylock, Antonio alone seems to understand what Shylock will do; why? How does Gratiano respond to Shylock in this scene? What kind of language does he use?
How Shalt Thou Hope for Mercy, Rendering None? Shylock, despite the entreaties of the Duke and Bassanio, insists on receiving his bond Bond is a legal term for a deed in which a person binds himself to pay money back; what other meanings of the term can you think of? How do these other meanings apply to Shylock’s desire to have his bond? Al Pacino as Shylock, 2004
Portia’s Defense Portia presents herself as Balthasar during the trial scene, but later goes back to her role as the Lady of Belmont What, if anything, is significant about Portia's first question (4.1.172)? How might one use this line as the key to an interpretation of the play? Portia upholds the law, but pleads with Shylock to take the money and show mercy She offers a religious speech about the “quality of mercy”; What religious message does this speech contain? How likely is Shylock to respond to her speech?
Two Scenes of Portia’s “Quality of Mercy” Speech When watching these, consider the body language, voice, and demeanor of the actors How do they establish authority? Do they seem sympathetic to Shylock? Or condescending? Is Portia trying to save Shylock or Antonio in these portrayals?
Gemma Jones as Portia, 1980 BBC Production
Off By Heart Shakespeare , BBC, 2011, performance contest for 13-15 year olds
Antonio’s approaching Death Portia initially upholds the law, ruling that the bond is lawful and that Antonio “must prepare [his] bosom for his knife” (4.1.243) What is Antonio’s response to his upcoming death? (look at his farewell speech to Bassanio, lines 262-279) Does this speech remind you of any other Shakespearean characters? James Ellis as Antonio, The Pembroke Players, 2014 (Tour of Japan)
Portia’s Loophole What legal loophole does Portia find? Do you think she was just toying with Shylock this entire time or was she trying to give him a chance to change his mind? Look at lines 344-361; how is Shylock disadvantaged under the law? Is this a fair trial? Why or why not? What do the Venetians gain from Shylock’s conversion to Christianity? Why would this punishment be viewed as a virtuous one?
Shylock’s Punishment Is the sentence against Shylock merciful? What does Shylock lose at the end of the trial? How does he react to this loss (find textual evidence to support your claim)? In a 1988 production of the play in Washington, D.C., the lines “I am content” were omitted from the play; How would this change your reading of The Merchant?