Sporting Schools and Basketball
What is Sporting Schools? Federal government program for any primary schools. Engagement of 850,000 children through participation in 32 sports. The programs outcomes are support sporting organisations in the delivery of great programes that are suitable for children provide schools with opportunities to get their children excited about sports through quality and diverse programmes provide children with positive sporting experiences in the best possible way: by having a go support schools and coaches through offering online coaching resources and information to help them run programmes
What does it offer for clubs? Coaches access to details of schools within their local community. Exposure of sporting programmes to more children and teachers in more schools. Stronger links between children and local sporting clubs. Professional development opportunities for all coaches.
When does Sporting Schools begin? Schools and coaches will be able to register to be part of Sporting Schools in March 2015 through the Sporting Schools website. A first funding round will be open for applications in May 2015 to help schools and coaches begin running programmes from late July Basketball is one of 12 sports to be offered pilots. Tasmania has two pilot programs.
Who will deliver sessions? Coaches must meet minimum requirements : Have Professional Indemnity insurance and Public Liability insurance (up to $10 million Be 15 years or over Community coach general principles A state or territory working with children check Complete a Basketball Tasmania “Lets coach basketball clinic”
What will a session look like? To occur before, during or after school (determined by the school) Duration will be one hour Supervision of each session by a staff member Session to be an hour in length Focus is for games based activities
How will schools choose coaches? A database of coaches will be available. Coaches on this list will have provided information to the ASC around their accreditation and working with children check and the sports they can deliver. Basketball Tasmania will be endorsing coaches who meet our minimum service delivery.
Best practice model for schools and clubs Workforce of coaches endorsed by Basketball Tasmania. Club plans to deliver an Aussie Hoops Program. Schools in the catchment for the club are contacted to advise upcoming Aussie Hoops Program and who Basketball Tasmanians endorsed coaches are. School selects coaches and commences 4 week program. Transition information provided to children in week 4 of the program by club. Children move to local Aussie Hoops Program.
Further information David Munns or