AlCap Analysis Discussion Analysis Steps Protons: BG, response, unfolding Question: perform alternative fast signal analysis Muons: BG, efficiency Consistency Tests 1 Peter Kammel in target response function emission probability Draw from Dr. Tran’s thesis and presentation
Clean Protons N p (E) = N p obs (E) – B p (E) Background Target Electrons Neutrons just work Wall Protons slow time components? MT target? Detector Scattered Muons, fast signals rejection?, improved geometry? Other ? Direct check Consistency section 2
Efficiency and Response Matrix left/right effects, MC, improve left/right effects consistency active target, X rays range curve left/right effects, MC Turtle very indirect, quantify, measure data losses, deadtime etc losses for small signals estimated by MC Scint veto, improved detector ? check fast signals 3 Target and detector relative position Beam longitudinal stopping distribution transverse distribution Electronics and cuts Data quality issues Noise, SiF issues, L Threshold PID cuts, see earlier? high energy escapes Pile up
Unfolding 4 check on threshold effects inconsistencies response matrix wasn’t there inconsistency between range with MC and active target? different unfolding methods
Muons Stopped in Target Background Wall Other ? Improvements Ge time resolution, S/N ? yield/ stable against t cuts E muSC cuts Investigate Pile-up 5
X-ray Efficiency how well Eu calibrated, bare and in-situ calibration Monte Carlo, active Si16 strange Ge effects, deadtime, reset explore, also muSC E cuts use fast signal good so far, all data 6 Target and detector relative position Beam transverse distribution Electronics and cuts Data quality issues Noise Time cuts Pile up Consistency active SiR
Data Sets 7 Nam: 4000 p per 10 7 stopped Al100
Consistency Data Sets Observables Proton yield and spectrum X-rays/muon vs. MC Consistent between all data sets? Different data groups Different target conditions Si, where we “know” the answer Clearly, this is a high priority question ! 8
Active Target SiR: Center Compare analysis Ben and Nam What are the main shortfalls? Poorly matched TFA Noise Other Establish systematics table Sunday? Some considerations standard muon cut + mu in SiR. compare mu SiR spectra to MC. fast pulse analysis slow pulse analysis, only accept delayed, well separated pulses, pile up correction for slow pulses, improved energy resolution MC corrections for escaped p, E<7 MeV should be save 9
Applicable to thin Si or surface stop in thick Si Measure d /dE Si, response matrix and confirm BG under control 1. standard muSC cut 2. + prompt SiL veto 3. +SiR muon coinc with cut 1 E(SiL), with delayed time cut t(SiL), prompt peak ? with cut 2: effect of scattered on SiL time and energy spectrum with cut 3 SiL ExT should be identical to above extract response matrix (correction for nuclear recoil) extract d /dE Questionable whether data good enough, need working Si16 Active Target Analysis: Surface 10
Backup 11
12 mSC SiL SiR mSC SiR SiL p p tt tptp