Introduction Canadian culture is a huge part of Canadian history. It is important for us as Canadian citizens to be aware of all existing cultures. In this webquest you will be given the opportunity to explore a Canadian culture of your choice.
Task In this webquest you will all have a chance to explore a Canadian culture of your choice. Using the websites provided you will have the opportunity to browse and select the most important information to create a poster presentation. You must also provide a written copy of your presentation. You may choose to work alone or in a group.
Process First, you’ll want to visit the following website: Choose a culture that you want to study. After you and your partner have researched this culture, begin planning a SMART lesson to teach the rest of the class about the culture you have chosen. Your lesson must be at least 5 slides long, and must include key information about your culture. Key information must come from at least five sources that originated from the website above. Your lesson must also include pictures and videos from youtube.com in order to demonstrate the diversity the culture you selected.
Conclusion Grade four you did such a wonderful job on your projects. I am so proud of each and every one of you. I think learning about Canadian cultures has helped our class become better Canadian citizens.