DAA Status/Progress B. Mihaljčić, A. Fazakerley, N. Doss, G. Watson UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics Mullard Space Science Laboratory 18 th CAA Cross-Calibration Workshop Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, October 2013
TC-1 DAA Progress / Status The DAA PITCH_SPIN production process Examples of problems found and fixes applied Summary of problems and solutions for TC-2 DAA Progress / Status Definition of ‘aa’ sweep preset on Double Star Examples of complete ‘aa’ sweep preset fixes Examples of partial ‘aa’ sweep preset fixes Summary of problems and solutions for DAA Current Status DAA Future Production Plan Summary Talk Outline Mullard Space Science Laboratory 2
DAA Funding: No funding from ESA or STFC – to be done on a best efforts basis Mullard Space Science Laboratory 3
Summary of problem types found for TC-1 and TC-2 after mass-generation of DAA PITCH_SPIN files 4 Problem TypeProblem Description Type-1Missing DAA PITCH_SPIN data Type-2Incomplete DAA PITCH_SPIN data Type-3IDFS RPAD data missing/incomplete Type-4No IDFS 3DF data Type-5Shifted spins in IDFS 3DF data Type-6Missing data below ~700 eV Type-7Corrupt/Empty IDFS DFUNIT data Note: Type-6 problem was only seen on TC-1, but not on TC-2. Mullard Space Science Laboratory
TC-1 5 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
DAA Progress Summary TC-1 1.Fixed DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD production code to handle Type-6 problems 2.Regenerated DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD data for entire mission 3.Fixed problems dates related to the DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD dataset 4.Produced, checked validated new Double Star header files 5.Produced, validated DAA PITCH_SPIN files for TC-1 for entire mission 6.Updated DAA DS/DS_rp production codes related to 3DX, PITCH_SPIN status parameters 7.TC-1 DFUNIT production code (we have been using the FGM team data. New codes were designed to use new DAA cleaned FGM data, but we are waiting for clarification of the coordinate system of the new data) Mullard Space Science Laboratory 6 DS=> Double Star data DS_rp=> Double Star reprocessed data RPAD=> Re-binned Pitch Angle Data FGM=> Flux Gate Magnetometer DFUNIT=> DS FGM unit vectors DAA=> Double Star Active Archive 3DX=> Reduced 3DF PEACE distribution Data PITCH_SPIN=> Electron Pitch Angle distribution/spin
DAA PITCH_SPIN Production Pipeline for TC1 and TC-2 Step 6 Step 5 Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 Step 1 FGM cleaned raw data IDFS DFUNIT FGM data Raw DS/DS_rp 3DF data IDFS 3DF DS/DS_rp data DS=> Double Star data DS_rp => Double Star reprocessed data Merged DAA PITCH_SPIN data DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD data made with v2 code Checking and Validation Delivery To DAA Regeneration (Solving problems to deal with bad cases) OR 7 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Examples of problems found and the solutions implemented 8
9 Problem Type 1 –missing Raw 3DF data PITCH_SPIN data RPAD missing!? IDFS DS 3DF data IDFS DS_rp 3DF data No plot As there is no ‘G’ version raw data Regenerated 3DF=>RPAD=>PITCH_SPIN PITCH_SPIN data DAA Format Data DAA data FIXED by repeating Step 5,6 (Checking, PITCH_SPIN Regeneration) PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version PITCH_SPIN Merged data Spin Origin
Problem Type 2 –incomplete IDFS 3DF data IDFS DS 3DF data IDFS DS_rp 3DF data PITCH_SPIN data DS IDFS 3DF data is complete, hence DS IDFS RPAD and DAA PITCH_SPIN are complete. DS_rp IDFS 3DF is not complete, hence DS_rp IDFS RPAD and DAA PITCH_SPIN are not complete (checked by doing Step 2) However, as far as the DAA cef file is concerned our codes allow the filling of missing spins, so that we deliver the complete dataset 10 DAA Format Data No FIX required (checking of data plots (Step 5) to confirm completeness of data & Step 2) PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version PITCH_SPIN Merged data Spin Origin
Problem Type 3 –missing DS or DS_rp IDFS RPAD data PITCH_SPIN data 11 IDFS DS 3DF data IDFS DS_rp 3DF data DAA Format Data DAA data FIXED by Regeneration, Step 6
Problem Type 4 –no IDFS 3DF data (e.g. data gap/PEA OFF/raw files, but no data) Solution: generate FILL file 12 DAA Format Data IDFS DS 3DF data IDFS DS_rp 3DF data DAA data can NOT be FIXED as there is no data due to PEACE being turned OFF or due to data gaps
Problem Type 5 –shifted spins due to corrupt data stream 13 PITCH_SPIN data IDFS DS 3DF data IDFS DS_rp 3DF data PITCH_SPIN data 13 Regenerated PITCH_SPIN DAA Format Data DAA data FIXED by removing shifted spins, Step 4
Problem Type 5 Example: 5min zoomed plot of shifted spins 14 DAA Format Data The subroutine in the merging code: peaceDAAmerge.pl, removes shifted spins if they occur in the original ‘O’ or the reprocessed ‘G’ version Double Star data set (Step 4). The updated code has been tested on intervals when we have various problems in ‘O’ and/or ‘G’ data sets as shown in the example on the LHS. The best spins, from ‘O’ and ‘G’ data are taken minus the shifted spins, which results in the ‘M’ version as shown in the third panel plot. PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version PITCH_SPIN Merged data Spin Origin DAA data FIXED by removing shifted spins using Step 4
Although, IDFS 3DF data looks fine we had strange PITCH_SPIN data plots, with data missing below ~700 eV as in these cases the RPAD code was missing the start or end timestamp due to a corrupt data stream (top LHS plot) We have produced v2 (Step 3) of the DS/DS_rp RPAD generation code that fixes this problem (see bottom LHS plot) Problem Type 6 –no data below ~700eV in DAA PITCH_SPIN IDFS DS_rp 3DF data PITCH_SPIN data IDFS DS 3DF data PITCH_SPIN data 15 Regenerated RPAD => PITCH_SPIN DAA Format Data DAA data FIXED by repeating Step 3 with v2 RPAD code
Problem Type 7 –corrupt or empty IDFS DFUNIT FGM data TC-1 These dates had corrupt IDFS DFUNIT FGM data in our system at MSSL: , , , , , Solved by regenerating IDFS DFUNIT and IDFS RPAD and Merged DAA files TC-1 The dates on the next slide had empty RAW FGM data in our system at MSSL. (see next slide) 16 Type-7 corruption problem FIXED by repeating Step 1, Step 3, Step4 Type-7 empty raw FGM file problem means we CANNOT FIX IDFS DFUNIT data in order to make IDFS RPAD files and subsequently DAA PITCH_SPIN
17 Mullard Space Science Laboratory TC-1: List of RAW FGM files with size zero /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040103_1_3G/040103_A/NSD_A/040103FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040103_1_3G/040105_C/NSD_C/040105FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040106_1_3G/040106_A/NSD_A/040106FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040106_1_3G/040107_B/NSD_B/040107FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040109_1_3G/040110_B/NSD_B/040110FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040217_1_3G/040217_A/NSD_A/040217FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040508_1_3G/040510_C/NSD_C/040510FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040616_1_3G/040618_C/NSD_C/040618FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/041207_1_3G/041208_B/NSD_B/041208FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/041207_1_3G/041209_C/NSD_C/041209FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/050816_1_3G/050816_A/NSD_A/050816FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051021_1_3G/051021_A/NSD_A/051021FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051021_1_3G/051022_B/NSD_B/051022FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051021_1_3G/051023_C/NSD_C/051023FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051024_1_3G/051024_A/NSD_A/051024FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051111_1_3G/051111_A/NSD_A/051111FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060513_1_3G/060514_B/NSD_B/060514FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060609_1_3G/060609_A/NSD_A/060609FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060609_1_3G/060611_C/NSD_C/060611FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060829_1_3G/060830_B/NSD_B/060830FN.NG1 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/071011_1_3G/071011_A/NSD_A/071011FN.NG1 0 (21 zero size RAW FGM files)/(1390 total files) = 0.015*100 = 1.5% => 1.5% of TC-1 PITCH_SPIN data files cannot be generated
TC-1: Summary of problems and solutions for Problem TypeProblem DescriptionSolution Type-1 Missing DAA PITCH_SPIN data (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerated RPAD/PITCH_SPIN Type-2 Incomplete DAA PITCH_SPIN data (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerated 3DF, RPAD and then PITCH_SPIN Type-3 IDFS RPAD data missing/incomplete (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerated PITCH_SPIN Type-4 No IDFS 3DF data (~2.9%) (FIXED 100% of cases, i.e. made FILL files) Not possible (Fill files = 2.9% in total) Type-5 Shifted spins in IDFS 3DF data (FIXED 99% of cases) Removed shifted spins from Merged PITCH_SPIN data Type-6 Missing data below ~700 eV (FIXED 90% of cases –IN PROGRESS) Regenerated RPAD using v2 RPAD code then PITCH_SPIN Type-7 Corrupt/Empty IDFS DFUNIT data (FIXED 98.5% of cases; if RAW FGM exists) Regenerated IDFS DFUNIT data if possible, then RPAD and PITCH_SPIN Note: to FIX all types of problems (including the regeneration of support data and problem dates) for TC-1 has so far taken > 12 months Mullard Space Science Laboratory
TC-2 19 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
DS=> Double Star data DS_rp=> Double Star reprocessed data RPAD=> Re-binned Pitch Angle Data FGM=> Flux Gate Magnetometer DFUNIT=> DS FGM unit vectors DAA=> Double Star Active Archive 3DX=> Reduced 3DF PEACE distribution Data PITCH_SPIN=> Electron Pitch Angle distribution/spin DAA Progress Summary TC-2 1.Fixed Double Star Raw 3DF data intervals in “aa” sweep preset mode and corrected faulty sweep preset information for the following periods: 2004/Aug/17-29 and 2004/Nov/01-08 for DS and DS_rp Raw 3DF datasets a few cases (e.g ,21 ~5%) of DS or DS_rp could be fixed only partially (see examples on slides to follow) 2.Fixed DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD production code to handle Type-6 problems 3.Regenerated DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD data for entire mission 4.Fixed problems dates related to the DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD dataset 5.Produced, checked validated new Double Star header files 6.Produced, validated DAA PITCH_SPIN data files for TC-2 for Updated DAA DS/DS_rp production codes related to 3DX, PITCH_SPIN status parameters 8.TC-2 DFUNIT production code (we have been using the FGM team data. New codes were designed to use new DAA cleaned FGM data, but we are waiting for clarification of the coordinate system of the new data) Mullard Space Science Laboratory 20
NOTE: We were able in the past to fix the “ab” sweep preset correctly in ~99% of the cases as we knew that the high (H) energy preset had a smaller energy range coverage compared to the low (L) energy sweep BUT in the ‘aa’ sweep preset the high (H) and low (L) energy sweeps have the same energy coverage, hence we fixed ~95% of the cases by recognising which spins were even or odd to assign the correct preset value. Definition of ‘aa’ sweep preset on Double Star The “aa” mode is used between: 2004/Aug/17-29, 2004/Nov/01-07 on TC-2 –Double Star: HEEA (for TC-1), LEEA (for TC-2) –Use“TL1L2B” for alternating sweep preset in peacemoments B T overlap aa ab Energy Time In “aa” preset mode the overlap (dashed box) from the high (H) and low (L) energy sweep is transmitted in telemetry In “ab” preset mode the overlap (black box) from the high (H) and low (L) energy sweep is NOT transmitted Mullard Space Science Laboratory High (H) sweep preset energy range Low (L) sweep preset energy range
Mullard Space Science Laboratory Example of ‘aa’ sweep preset cases when DS / DS_rp IDFS 3DF data is completely fixed 22
(232) BEFORE FIX AFTER FIX Mullard Space Science Laboratory IDFS 3DF DS data IDFS 3DF DS RP data ~95% of all known dates, i.e. TC-2 ‘aa’ cases could be fixed completely IDFS 3DF DS data IDFS 3DF DS RP data 23
(232) Mullard Space Science Laboratory -Once DS/DS_rp 3DF data is fixed IDFS RPAD can be regenerated -Providing that there are no problems with RPAD, the merged version of DAA PITCH_SPIN data can be made PITCH_SPIN data PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version PITCH_SPIN Merged data Spin Origin IDFS 3DF DS data IDFS 3DF DS_rp data IDFS RPAD DS data IDFS RPAD DS_rp data DAA Format Data 24
Mullard Space Science Laboratory Examples of more difficult ‘aa’ sweep preset cases and solutions found when only a partial fix was possible (the remaining 5% of ‘aa’ cases) 25
(233) In this case the DAA production code can be adjusted to make a good DAA CEF file The recipe file that the DAA code makes ensures that in this case spins only from fixed DS data is used to make final DAA file (here version ‘M’) Mullard Space Science Laboratory 26 PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version (low and high energy sweep preset FIXED 100%) PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version (only low energy sweep could be FIXED 100%) PITCH_SPIN Merged data (The merged data set is 100% FIXED) Spin Origin DAA Format Data
(234) In this case only the DS high energy sweep is ok (see panel 1) and only the low energy sweep from DS_rp is ok (see panel 2) The DAA production code can be adjusted to take only : DS: high energy sweep from panel 1 and DS_rp: low energy sweep from panel 2 to make the final DAA file shown in panel 3 Hence data from alternate files is taken as shown in panel 4 Mullard Space Science Laboratory 27 DAA Format Data PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version (only HIGH energy sweep could be FIXED 100%) PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version (only LOW energy sweep could be FIXED 100%) PITCH_SPIN Merged data (The merged data set is 100% FIXED) Spin Origin
(241) In this case only the DS data is used to make the correct DAA CEF for a case when there are data gaps. Mullard Space Science Laboratory 28 PITCH_SPIN data ‘O’ version (HIGH and LOW sweeps 100% FIXED) PITCH_SPIN data ‘G’ version (LOW sweeps 100% FIXED) PITCH_SPIN Merged data (HIGH and LOW sweeps 100% FIXED) Spin Origin DAA Format Data
Problem Type 7 –corrupt or empty IDFS DFUNIT FGM data TC-2 These dates on next slide had empty RAW FGM data in our system at MSSL: (see next slide summary of empty TC-2 RAW FGM files) 29 Type-7 problem NOT FIXED as Raw FGM data files are empty
30 Mullard Space Science Laboratory TC-2: List of RAW FGM files with size zero /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040727_2_3G/040728_B/NSD_B/040728FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040727_2_3G/040729_C/NSD_C/040729FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/040808_2_3G/040810_C/NSD_C/040810FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051008_2_3G/051008_A/NSD_A/051008FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051020_2_3G/051021_B/NSD_B/051021FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051020_2_3G/051022_C/NSD_C/051022FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/051023_2_3G/051023_A/NSD_A/051023FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060415_2_3G/060415_A/NSD_A/060415FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060415_2_3G/060416_B/NSD_B/060416FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060415_2_3G/060417_C/NSD_C/060417FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060418_2_3G/060418_A/NSD_A/060418FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060418_2_3G/060420_C/NSD_C/060420FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060816_2_3G/060817_B/NSD_B/060817FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060822_2_3G/060824_C/NSD_C/060824FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060825_2_3G/060826_B/NSD_B/060826FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060825_2_3G/060827_C/NSD_C/060827FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060828_2_3G/060828_A/NSD_A/060828FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060903_2_3G/060903_A/NSD_A/060903FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060903_2_3G/060904_B/NSD_B/060904FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060903_2_3G/060905_C/NSD_C/060905FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060906_2_3G/060907_B/NSD_B/060907FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060921_2_3G/060923_C/NSD_C/060923FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060924_2_3G/060924_A/NSD_A/060924FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060924_2_3G/060925_B/NSD_B/060925FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/060930_2_3G/060930_A/NSD_A/060930FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/061012_2_3G/061012_A/NSD_A/061012FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/061114_2_3G/061114_A/NSD_A/061114FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/070305_2_3G/070307_C/NSD_C/070307FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/080628_2_3G/080628_A/NSD_A/080628FN.NG2 0 /disk/nas9/raw/doublestar/db_l1/080707_2_3G/080707_A/NSD_A/080707FN.NG2 0 (30 zero size RAW FGM files)/(1260 total files) = 0.024*100 = 2.4% => 2.4% of TC-2 PITCH_SPIN data files cannot be generated
TC-2: Summary of problems and solutions for ( not started yet) 31 Problem TypeProblem DescriptionSolution Incorrect “aa” sweep preset High and Low preset’s NOT alternating (FIXED 95% of cases completely) (FIXED 5% of cases partially) Determined which spins in RAW 3DF data were even or odd to assign the correct preset value Type-1 Missing DAA PITCH_SPIN data (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerated RPAD/PITCH_SPIN Type-2 Incomplete DAA PITCH_SPIN data (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerate 3DF, RPAD and then PITCH_SPIN Type-3 IDFS RPAD data missing/incomplete (FIXED 100% of cases) Regenerate PITCH_SPIN Type-4 No IDFS 3DF data (~3.3%) (FIXED 100% of cases, i.e. made FILL files) Not possible (Fill files = 3.3% in total) Type-5 Shifted spins in IDFS 3DF data (FIXED 99% of cases Remove shifted spins from Merged PITCH_SPIN data Type-7 Corrupt/Empty IDFS DFUNIT data (FIXED 97.6% of cases; if RAW FGM exists) Regenerated IDFS DFUNIT data if possible, then RPAD and PITCH_SPIN Note: to FIX all types of problems (including the regeneration of support data and problem dates) for TC-2 has so far taken > 12 months Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Current Status 32
DAA Current Status Delivered to DAA: 3DX TC-1 test files: Nov-Dec 2004, but not TC-2 Not Delivered yet to DAA: PITCH_SPIN: (made using DS and DS_rp IDFS RPAD data based on current IDFS DFUNIT data) Validation/Fixing Problems TC-1 => – 98% Finished (still some Type-6 problems remaining in 2007 only) TC-2 => –Finished 100%, –Not started yet DFUNIT: MSSL has IDFS DFUNIT data files, but not the Full Resolution DAA FGM files yet to test Mullard Space Science Laboratory 33
DAA Future Production Plan To be delivered to DAA: We could start delivering DAA PITCH_SPIN for earlier years now, after PI check’s DAA MOMENTS could be made and delivered without checks being performed –NOTE: It is not always possible to determine the spacecraft potential reliably from PEACE data, which is a pre-requisite for good MOMENTS (see next two example slides for reasons) DAA 3DX production may be put on hold in order to focus on Cluster related work Mullard Space Science Laboratory 34
Estimating spacecraft potential from PEACE data (good case) 35 In this case we have a clear distinction between the photo-electron and plasma electron populations, which allows the s/c potential (black line) to be estimated from PEACE data. - In this case good MOMENTS can be produced. Plasma electrons Photo electrons s/c potential estimate TC1 ( ) 3DF 05:00-06:00 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Estimating spacecraft potential from PEACE data (bad case) 36 In this case there is only the plasma electron population, but no photo-electron population (as dictated by instrument commanding in the past to protect the instrument from high photo-electron fluxes). - Hence, no s/c potential estimate can be made from PEACE data. -In this case good MOMENTS can NOT be produced, but trends could be useful. Plasma electrons Photo Electrons? TC1 ( ) 3DF 13:00-14:00 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Future Work Mullard Space Science Laboratory
DAA Future Work TC-1 &/or TC-2: 1.Deliver DAA PITCH_SPIN dataset in all units and spacecraft 2.Design/test DAA caveat software 3.Provide Double Star User Guide 4.Produce, validate, deliver DAA 3DX dataset in all units and spacecraft 5.Develop validation software for DAA MOMENTS 6.Provide improved spacecraft potential estimates where possible 7.Produce, validate, deliver DAA MOMENTS dataset 8.Following deliveries of these products, return to e.g. secondary code products (3DR, PAD) if resources allow 9.Provide Double Star Status Flags and documentation 10.Revisit calibrations for TC-1 and TC-2? 11.Corrections/testing new IDFS DFUNIT production code on Full Resolution (FR) DAA FGM data Mullard Space Science Laboratory 38
Summary –Main points DS/DS_rp IDFS RPAD re-generation is finished and problems were fixed (IDFS 3DF problems were also fixed in the process where necessary) Generation of DAA PITCH_SPIN data is finished for TC1/2 for all units/years Checking/Validating/Fixing/Regenerating of DAA PITCH_SPIN files –TC-1: 98% finished for all units/years (some Type-6 problems left in 2007 only) –TC-2: 100% finished for all units/ between –TC-2: Not yet started The delivery of TC-2 DAA PITCH_SPIN CEF files can start soon after PI check’s The merging software ensures that only the best DAA PITCH_SPIN data per/spin are used from the original (‘O’ version) OR reprocessed (‘G’ version) IDFS RPAD data to make the best final DAA CEF file possible (this also now includes the new module that removes shifted spins, which works in ~99% of the cases) Production of other products (e.g. DAA: 3DX, MOMENTS) may be put on hold as the team wishes to put priority on Cluster II related activities and partly due to a reduction in the PEACE operations team staffing (i.e. Yulia Bogdanova and Iryna Rozum have left the team) To fix all types of problems (including the regeneration of support data and problem dates, but excluding any calibration effort) for TC1/TC-2 has so far taken > 12 months and is not finished yet, which contributed to the delay of delivering the DAA data. 39 Mullard Space Science Laboratory
The End Thank you for your attention! Mullard Space Science Laboratory