Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Construction of the Downtown Marina and Joan Darrah Promenade on the Stockton Waterfront Project Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. $22,380,750 Agenda Item 8.01
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 COVER SHEET
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Past City Council Action April 1, 2008 City Council Action: Approved contract in the amount of $1,070,000 with Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. for final design and construction of Downtown Marina and Joan Darrah Promenade Approved Guaranteed Maximum Price for final design work by Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. Instructed Staff to return to City Council for approval of increase to Guaranteed Maximum Price provision in the contract with Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. for construction of marina & promenade
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Tonight’s Recommendation This evening, the City Council will be requested to approve the following actions: Approve construction documents for the Downtown Marina and Joan Darrah Promenade; and Approved Guaranteed Maximum Price contract with Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $22,380,750
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Project Benefits Create a high quality destination for recreational boating in Downtown Stockton Create enhanced waterfront promenade for pedestrians and alternative modes Enhance the economic viability of adjacent properties and businesses Stimulate further downtown investment
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Summary Project Description 66 marina boat slips –48 Fifty-foot boat slips (covered) –12 Sixty-foot boat slips –6 Eighty-foot boat slips Guest boat docks on north and south shore Restrooms and amenities for marina tenants Promenade (new construction & refurbished) Parks space and landscaping Roadway and Parking Lot Public Art (future City Council approval needed)
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 SITE PLAN VIEW
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 SITE LAYOUT PLAN KEY
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 SITE LAYOUT PLAN KEY
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 RESTROOM BUILDING- ELEVATIONS
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 TYPICAL PROMENADE PERSPECTIVE Existing Promenade Proposed Promenade
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 BERTH COVER DESIGNS
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 BERTH COVER DESIGNS
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Project Budget Design (previously approved) $ 1,160,000 Construction (based on 100% construction plans) $21,220,750 Guaranteed Maximum Price $22,380,750
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Funding Sources for Project HUD Section 108 Loan & BEDI Grant $10,051,965 CA Dept of Boating & Waterways Loan $9,496,610 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Boating Infrastructure Grant $1,384,175 CA River & Parkways Grant $1,248,000 CA Dept of Boating & Waterways Boat Pump-out Grant $200,000 Total Source $22,380,750
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Follow Up Actions Related matters will be separately brought before City Council: Promenade Art Inspection and Testing Environmental Clean up of a portion of the south promenade Contract with firm to do Biological Monitoring during pile driving
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008 Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Construction of the Downtown Marina and Joan Darrah Promenade on the Stockton Waterfront Project Power Engineering Contractors, Inc. $22,380,750
Downtown Stockton Marina & Joan Darrah Promenade July 29, 2008