Domain Name System is the hierarchical computer system which is connected to the internet. It works like a telephone directory system for the internet network where you know the name of a particular person and you want to find out the number of that person.
In this example: www is the service provider. Google is the is the domain is the country code.
Three important components Domain name space: It is an aspect of DNS which consists of a tree of domain names. It starts off from the root, than TLDs (Top-Level Domain) and than Secondary-Level Domain. Each leaf or node might have zero or more RRs (Resource Records) which has information related to the Domain name. Name resolution: It is the method of translating website name to IP address. When TCP/IP uses DNS as a method of resolution, the host that is trying to get resolution is called a resolver. The resolver sends a message to its DNS server asking for help. Name server: Name server or DNS server is a server that implements a name-service protocol. It can be on the same network or it can be at an ISP.
FUCTION First the client (end user) enters a URL into the web explorer. Then the client sends a request to a DNS server on a local ISP to receive the IP address. If the IP is not on the local ISP cached server, it searches for another DNS server (mainly in TLDs and when it gets the IP it wants, the ISP receives the IP, temporarily saves the IP on its own server and sends it to the client. The client receives it and then has access to the desired website.
LEGISLATION IN THE UK The operation of the Domain name system does not affect any legislation in the UK as it is a chain of international companies that runs the DNS severs all over the world and they decide DNS matters. The British law can be a part of it or can be influenced by it, but it still has a very minor affect on it.
LIMITATIONS We have an unlimited number of IP addresses hypothetically. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the first internet protocol to be broadly used all over the world and the fourth revision in the advancement of the Internet protocol. Due to the enormous growth of the internet, IPv4 is no longer viable. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) will soon replace IPv4 as the internet standard. IPv6 sometimes is referred to as Internet Protocol, Next Generation (IPng). IPv4 has some limits, like 4 billion because there are 32 bits in every address but IPv6 enables to give every individual on the planet, which gives the 6 billion indiviuals we have now on the planet, 10 billion IP addresses because it uses 128-bit addresses.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Blank, A.G. (2002). TCP/IP JumpStart. USA: SYBEX. Hewitt, S. (2003). Domain Name System. Available: Last accessed 03/12/ Last accessed 03/12/2011 Domain Name System (DNS) How It Works, 2009, online video, accessed 02 December 2011,. Domain Name Services, 2008, online video, accessed 03 December 2011, Odom, W. (2004). Computer Networking first-step. USA: Cisco Press.