PEOPLE Italian explorer who was said to have discovered America in 1492 Italian explorer who was said to have discovered America in Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus
PEOPLE Lived in Greenland; discovered America before Columbus; settled in Vinland Lived in Greenland; discovered America before Columbus; settled in Vinland Leif Ericson Leif Ericson
PEOPLE Explored in Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth, if you drank from it you could live forever Explored in Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth, if you drank from it you could live forever Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
PEOPLE Help to settle Jamestown and became known for ‘he who will not work will not eat’ Help to settle Jamestown and became known for ‘he who will not work will not eat’ John Smith John Smith
PEOPLE An Indian Princess renamed Rebecka An Indian Princess renamed Rebecka Pocahontas Pocahontas
PLACES Shorter passage from Europe to Asia going through North America; never existed Shorter passage from Europe to Asia going through North America; never existed Northwest passage Northwest passage
PLACES A territory founded by a ‘mother country’ for land or wealth A territory founded by a ‘mother country’ for land or wealth Colony Colony
PLACES Located in Virginia, settled by John Smith and other from the Virginia Company Located in Virginia, settled by John Smith and other from the Virginia Company Jamestown Jamestown
PLACES A colony ruled by a King or Queen A colony ruled by a King or Queen Royal Colony Royal Colony
PLACES Place in Massachusetts where the Pilgrims landed and settled Place in Massachusetts where the Pilgrims landed and settled Plymouth Plymouth
Things A person who tries to spread certain religious beliefs among a group of people A person who tries to spread certain religious beliefs among a group of people Missionary Missionary
THINGS Mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs Mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs Persecution Persecution
THINGS Chosen religion of a state Chosen religion of a state Established church Established church
THINGS A representative to the colonial Virginia Government A representative to the colonial Virginia Government Burgess Burgess
THINGS A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company Charter Charter
THINGS Agreement between nations to aid and protect one another Agreement between nations to aid and protect one another Alliance Alliance
THINGS Spanish name for “town” in the Spanish colonies Spanish name for “town” in the Spanish colonies Pueblo Pueblo
THINGS A large estate farmed by many workers A large estate farmed by many workers Plantation Plantation
THINGS Name for the Spanish explores who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain Name for the Spanish explores who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain Conquistador Conquistador
THINGS Moment in history that marks a decisive change Moment in history that marks a decisive change Turning point Turning point
THINGS Holy day of rest Holy day of rest Sabbath Sabbath
THINGS Meeting in colonial New England where settlers discussed and voted on issues Meeting in colonial New England where settlers discussed and voted on issues Town meeting Town meeting
THINGS Crop sold for money at market Crop sold for money at market Cash Crop Cash Crop