Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in the New World (1607)Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in the New World (1607) In a joint-stock company, wealthy London gentlemen would buy a share in The Virginia Company, thus giving it the capital (cash) to start and supply a colony, expecting that the colony would return a profit to them.
The Company’s plan was to identify profitable raw materials such as gold and silver in Virginia to repay the investors back in England.
The London CompanyThe London Company started the headright system which provided land to anyone who paid their own passage or the passage of others to the settlementheadright system
Tobacco growers enlarged their landholding through the headright system and used indentured servants as workers indentured servants as workers
As the mortality (death) rate at Jamestown rose and the prospect for profit grew dim, financial support for it dropped. Tobacco cultivation finally provided a profitable return
New England ColoniesNew England Colonieswere founded as a haven for religious groups persecuted in England Pilgrims landed at Plymouth after signing the Mayflower Compact (people form the government) Plymouth settlers struggled but were helped by Native Americans who taught them how to plant corn and sustained themselves PilgrimsMayflower Compact Plymouth settlers
the Middle Colonies had the greatest diversity of people and religions in British North America
South Carolina was founded as a proprietary colony when Charles II granted the land to eight Lords Proprietors proprietary colony Lords Proprietors
the first settlers were Englishmen who moved from the British colony of Barbados and brought a well-developed slave system
South Carolina’s fertile land, mild climate, and waterways contributed to the development plantations and prosperity
The Lord’s Proprietors controlled the government through a Governor and Grand Council, which included representatives of the proprietors, the Carolina elite, and a small representation of the common people
South Carolina had fertile land, mild climate, long growing seasons with the Low County suitable for rice planting
A port at Charleston and navigable waterways along the coast and into the interior made shipping goods to market possible natural resources and trade made South Carolina a profitable colony
African slave trade brought laborers with knowledge of cattle herding and rice planting rice became known as “Carolina Gold” rice became known as “Carolina Gold”