“Of Their Voyage, and How They Passed the Sea; and of Their Safe Arrival to Cape Cod” Voyage was a mix of fair winds and fierce storms One of the main beams bowed and cracked ½ way through the journey Repaired the beam with a great iron screw (to raise it) and a post (to secure it) Again, pilgrims believed that God would be fair to them “So they committed themselves to the will of God and resolved to proceed” (59)
God saves a good Puritan from drowning John Howland was thrown into the sea during a storm “it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards” (59) John Howland “lived many years and became a profitable member both in church and commonwealth” (his good life yielded a good fate) One person (besides the seaman) perished on the voyage, William Butten
They first try to Cape Cod Then they decide to travel south down the Hudson (meet with rough waters) Ultimately, they Cape Harbor They landed in winter with no friends to meet them & no place for them to go Bradford declares his trust in God to get them through “What could now sustain them but the Spirit of God and His Grace?” (61)
Book 2: “The Starving Time” In 2 or 3 months’ time, ½ the ship’s passengers died Lack of proper housing Infected with scurvy 6 or 7 Puritans were healthy enough to care for the others (chosen by God) The seamen were greedy and selfish, keeping food and drink for themselves even with the passengers so sick.
T he seamen began falling ill too N early half of the seamen died before they set sail again T he pilgrims were much more willing to help each other in times of need and illness T he seamen were more barbaric and self-centered. They cursed each other instead of caring for each other
“Indian Relations” S amoset, an Indian that approached the pilgrims, helped them become familiar with the land S quanto and the pilgrims set terms under which they would all live. These terms primarily favored the pilgrims. Squanto continued with the pilgrims as their interpreter and was “sent from God.” He aided the pilgrims until he died