By:- 1. Arvinth Jude Roy ( ME087869) 2. Joshua Rao (ME087904) Lecturer:- Miss. Alicia A/P Philip By:- 1. Arvinth Jude Roy ( ME087869) 2. Joshua Rao (ME087904) Lecturer:- Miss. Alicia A/P Philip
For as long as the human race has existed, transportation has consumed a considerable portion of its time and resources. Without the ability to transport manufactured goods, raw materials, and technical know-how, a country is simply unable to maximize the comparative advantage it may have in the form of natural or human resources. A major task for the modern transportation engineer is to balance society’s need for fast and efficient transportation with the costs involved is affordable. This paper concerns on importance, specialities and challenge of transportation engineering today. The specialities in transportation engineering are planning, design, construction, traffic management and operations, and maintenance. In carrying out this task, the transportation engineer must work closely with the public and with elected officials and must be aware of modern engineering practices to ensure that the highest-quality transportation systems are built consistent with available funds and accepted social policy.
The application of transportation engineering profession is to assist society in selecting the appropriate transportation system consistent with its economic development, resources, and goals and to construct and manage the system in a safe and efficient manner. Transportation is a significant element in our national life, accounting for 16.3 percent of the gross national product and employing over 10 percent of the workforce. In the past, transportation engineers planned and built the nation’s railroads, highways, mass transit systems, airports, and pipelines. In the coming decades, additional system elements will be required to maintain vast growth in economy and technology. New systems, such as magnetically levitated high-speed trains or ITS, will also challenge the transportation engineer in the future.
Present tense & Past Simple Tense Written in less technical way 250 words in a single paragraph