Renaissance, Reformation, and Absolutism Age of Exploration Ottoman/Safavid/Mughal Ming/Qing/Tokugawa Japan Enlightenment & Age of Revolution
The Gutenberg Press and the Age of Enlightenment resulted in increased literacy. For this project, you will create an illustrated book that evaluates a topic from this unit.
You will research your assigned topic and present your findings in your book. You must include information about your topic as well as visuals for each page. Your book must: Be at least 10 pages Include a bibliography of sources used in MLA format Include an illustrated cover Be neatly done. It may be typewritten or handwritten, but it if is handwritten, it must be neat. Include visuals on each page. You may print pictures from the computer or you may draw your own illustrations. Be in your own words. Do not copy and paste. This is plagiarism! Be colorful. Have a cover. You may make your own cover with construction paper or you may put the book in a 3-ring binder or 3-ring folder. Remember the cover must have a title and be decorated.
_____ Illustrated cover _____ At least 10 pages _____ Appropriate text and illustration on each page _____ works cited page
_____ 5 Following directions / general order _____ 12 appropriate visuals _____ 75 complete and accurate historical information _____ 5 attractiveness _____ correct grammar _____ neatness _____ 3 Presentation _____Do not read ***** 10 Points off for every day past the due date
Italian Renaissance Art & Literature Politics & Economy Northern Renaissance Protestant Reformation/Luther Protestant Reformation/Calvin- Huguenots Protestant Reformation/ Henry VIII Catholic Counter-Reformation Age of Absolutism France Spain England Hapsburg Age of Exploration Portugal Spain Dutch British
Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire Ming China Qing China Tokugawa Japan
Enlightenment England France American Colonies French Revolution Causes of the Revolution Early stages Reign of terror Napoleon Latin American Revolutions