Warm Up – Can you unscramble the following? 1 SIMS Six Views 2 SIMS Oyster Man 3 SIMS Transformation Treetop
Warm Up – Can you unscramble the following? 1 SIMS Six Views – Six wives 2 SIMS Oyster Man - Monastery 3 SIMS Transformation Treetop - Protestant Reformation
Who wants to be our Otway History Elves for today?
‘Henry VIII was an effective monarch.’ How far do you agree with this statement? (assessment) This assessment will test 3 very important skills in History: Using your historical knowledge. Using your historical knowledge. Explaining and supporting your ideas. Explaining and supporting your ideas. Showing understanding of more than one side of an argument. Showing understanding of more than one side of an argument. Reaching a judgement based on your knowledge. Reaching a judgement based on your knowledge. Writing in a clear way. Writing in a clear way. Henry spent a lot of English money fighting and losing wars with the French.Henry spent a lot of English money fighting and losing wars with the French. He closed down all the monasteries – which were one of the most important ways that poor people got help.He closed down all the monasteries – which were one of the most important ways that poor people got help.
Preparing my assessment Plan When looking at religion /science/power/war/caring for the people Henry was…. Extremely effective Considerably effective Fairly effective Effective to some extent Ineffective to some extent Fairly ineffective Considerably ineffective Extremely ineffective Things to include in paragraph: Protestant tutors Made himself head of church Closed monasteries Felt he didn’t need to do anything to help when harvests were poor due to God.
Henry VIII How might a paragraph look? In terms of religion Henry VIII could be judged as having been an effective/ineffective monarch. In 1534 he broke away from the Catholic Church to form his own Church of England, mostly because he fell out with ____________ because ____________________ ________________________. This can be seen as effective/ineffective because ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………. He then shut down the ___________ unless they agreed to ___________________. He did this so that he could gain their wealth so that he could pay for his wars with France. This could be seen as effective/ineffective because……… In summary, when looking at religion Henry can be judged as effective/ineffective in particular because……………….. Have a judgement at the start of a paragraph Have some knowledge Explain why the knowledge links to the key words in the question. Have some knowledge Explain why the knowledge links to the key words in the question. Have a summary in which you pick out the main reason why you’ve decided effective/ineffectiv e for this category.
So for a paragraph the equation is: Judgement on a subtopic (religion, war, caring for the people) + knowledge + explaining how the knowledge answers the Q + knowledge + explaining how the knowledge answers the Q + summary supported by key bit of knowledge to back it up = level 8
27 things in 4 minutes is the record which was set by my other Yr8 class.
What is our key class target? What were your targets last time you did an assessment? Using your historical knowledge Have we put information into the following categories? Assess Henry’s effectiveness in terms of religionAssess Henry’s effectiveness in terms of religion In terms of powerIn terms of power In terms of warIn terms of war In terms of caring for the peopleIn terms of caring for the peopleTHINK What does effective mean?
‘Henry VIII was an effective monarch.’ How far do you agree with this statement? (assessment) 1.I think that Henry VIII was an effective/ineffective king because… 2.In terms of religion Henry was effective/ineffective. Supporting knowledge: 1.In terms of warfare Henry was… 2.In term of caring for the people Henry was… 3.In conclusion Henry was… Key supporting knowledge: Planning your answer:
So – What have we learnt about how to do history essays? What are the key rules? D Bonus – Can we tell the story of Henry one word at a time?
Can we learn anything from this? n4https:// n4 – 8 mins clip from documentary on Henry Gather more info like squirrels with nuts.
KEYWORDS Dissolution Parliament Protestant Succession Chancellor Monasteries Trade routes Reformation
Introduction Henry was an ____________ monarch. There are many aspects of Henry’s reign that can be assessed such as… This essay will explain why …….. Main Paragraphs In terms of religion Henry can be judged as… For example ….. This was effective because …. In summary Henry when looking at ______ Henry can be judged as……. In particular because….Conclusion Overall it can be concluded that Henry VIII was a _________ monarch because… In particular… The biggest example of this is…
KS3 Levels Levels Descriptors 5 Explains 2 points in detail, of which both could be from the question. 1 other point mentioned. Accurate and relevant information is used showing good knowledge and understanding Good organisation eg paragraphs, introduction and conclusion. Overall judgement reached but support is implicit. 6 Fully explains at least 3 points, 2 of which could be from the question. Accurate and relevant information is used showing good knowledge and understanding Good organisation eg paragraphs, with an introduction and conclusion. Overall judgement reached but support for this is implicit.
KS3 Levels Levels Descriptors 7 Fully explains at least 3 points, 2 of which could be from the question. Accurate and relevant information is used showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding. The line of reasoning is consistent and sustained. Good organisation eg paragraphs, with an introduction and conclusion. Overall judgement reached, support for this is explicit. 8 See next slide for Level 8
PerformanceMarkDescriptor 0 Errors severely hinder the meaning of the response or candidates do not spell, punctuate or use the rules of grammar within the context of the demands of the question. Threshold1 In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy and also use specialist terminology with reasonable accuracy; any errors do not hinder meaning in the response. Intermediate2-3 In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with considerable accuracy and also use specialist terminology with considerable accuracy. High4In the context of the level of demand of the question, learners spell, punctuate and use grammar with consistent accuracy and also use specialist terminology with consistent accuracy. Marks for SPGST