ACTIVITY: Create an informative poster in which you explain the following information related to the Protestant Reformation. - Church before the Protestant Reform - Martin Luther - John Calvin - Anglicanism - The Catholic Counter Reformation - The Spanish Inquisition.
The Reformation Pre- reformation The Catholic Church was undergoing an internal crisis during the 1400’s. Examples of the crisis: Members of the lower clergy were not well educated Decline in morality Higher class behaving in contradiction with the teachings of the Church. Nepotism = when a powerful person gives jobs and another favors Selling of indulgences – buying forgiveness, which help the Church increased wealth and power.
Martin Luther During the 1500’s more people became dissatisfied with the behavior of some of the members of the Church. One of this people was a German friar named Martin Luther. He challenge the Catholic Church doctrine by publishing his 95 theses. He believed: Humans were not perfect and had natural tendencies to sin. People salvation was Individually. There was no need for selling indulgences. He was excomulgated by the Catholic Church. Luther started his own religion Lutheranism for non-Catholic Christians. The Protestant reformation began. (1517)
Calvinism John Calvin – A French legal scholar and humanist. Provided Luther ideas for the Reformation. Decided to start his own Christian religion called Calvinism. Stated that people who had been chosen by God for Salvation had faith.
Anglicanism The Protestant Reformation also reached England. King Henry the VIII founded the Anglicans church (Church of England) after a disagreement with the Pope. The Pope refuse to declare invalid his marriage with Catherine of Aragon (from Spain). He started the new religion and became the head of the Anglican Church. The religion kept must of the teaching and ceremonies of the Catholic Church but did not obey the Pope.
The Catholic Counter Reformation After facing so much criticism the Catholic Church decided to introduce considerable changes. Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings. Stop selling of indulgences Ended the Inquisition Inquisition – court who determined who was not a true catholic This unified the Catholic Church.