Background Beginning of the 17 th century Dealt with religious differences between the Catholics and Protestants
Causes Holy Roman Emperor tried to limit religious activities of Protestants Formation of Protestant Union Dynastic interests
Four Phases of War Bohemian Danish Swedish Frenc h
Bohemian Phase Civil war between Catholics and Protestants Catholics defeat Protestants in 1620 Battle of the White Mountain
Danish Phase Named for Protestant King of Denmark More Catholic victories Albert of Wallenstein Edict of Restitution Reclaimed Protestant lands Only Catholics and Lutherans could practice their religions
Swedish Phase Protestants led by Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus Got help from Cardinal Richelieu and France
French Phase Catholic rebound Richelieu declared war on Spain Military and financial assistance
End of the War Peace of Westphalia Ended religious conflicts in Europe Recognized independence of German princes Added Calvinism to permissible faiths
Costs of the War Population Trade Agriculture Small farmers lost land
New Absolutist Governments All about consolidating power Faced some problems Difficult to reach all people Lack of information
Increased Authority Greater taxation Growth of armed forces Bigger, better bureaucracies Better able to get obedience from subjects