Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Land Disturbance and the Department of Natural Resources Tina White
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Stormwater The department has approximately 48 different stormwater/general permits for various facility types.
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. dnr.mo.gov/env/wpp/stormwater/index.html
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. One of the key elements of many stormwater/general permits is the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). EPA has very good guidance on this topic and many templates are available on their website.
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Land Disturbance Permits "They're making people every day, but they ain't makin' any more dirt." - Will Rogers
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources.
Common Promotional Plan
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) Permit Language: The primary requirement of this permit is the development and implementation of a SWPPP which incorporates site specific practices to best minimize the soil exposure, soil erosion, and the discharge of pollutants. The SWPPP must be developed prior to issuance of the permit and must be specific to the land disturbance activities at the site. A copy of the SWPPP must be available on-site when land disturbance operations are in progress… Guidance Available from EPA Pollution-Prevention-Plans-for-Construction-Activities.cfm
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. This is a site map, not a SWPPP
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Common Problems with SWPPPs All outfalls are not identified All non-storm water sources not identified Phasing and time frames for grading and BMP installation not discussed Temporary stabilization details for areas left undisturbed for more than 14 days are not explained.
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Common Problems with SWPPPs The required sedimentation basin for each drainage area with 10 or more acres disturbed at one time is not shown or properly sized. Outfall structures are not discussed in enough detail for the proper construction to follow.
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Improper Sediment Basins
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. No one is designated as the person responsible for erosion control or the person appointed is not adequately trained. Contractors and sub contractors are not aware of the SWPPP or their responsibility to follow the guidance therein. The SWPPP is not kept current and does not match field implementation. Common Problems with SWPPPs
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Common Problems in the field No SWPPP, Permit or Signs on Site
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. EPA’s View
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Inappropriate Use of BMPs Silt Fence Limitations Not effective unless trenched and keyed in. Not intended for use as mid-slope protection on slopes greater than 1:4 (V:H). Must be maintained. Must be removed and disposed of. Don't use below slopes subject to creep, slumping, or landslides. Don't use in streams, channels, drain inlets, or anywhere flow is concentrated.
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Inappropriate BMPs Brush check dams are not an approved BMP Seawalls do not prevent erosion over the top of the wall. It’s not good if we can see your BMPs failing on Google Earth
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Improper Installation of BMPs Silt Fence not keyed in Interior discharge pipe of sedimentation basin Exterior discharge pipe of sedimentation basin
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Storm Drain Protection Issues Good Bad
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Examples of no maintenance of BMPs
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Mass Grading
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. Terracing with log fiber rolls Erosion Control matt for steep slopes Soil tackifier when necessary What we like to see: Steel backed silt fence staked in properly
Celebrating 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natural resources. On the Horizon Low Impact Development Keep the water where it falls Micro Detention to mimic pre-construction hydrology Minimize flooding