Fuel Poverty: Project Overview An Oldham Borough Project Proposal.


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Presentation transcript:

Fuel Poverty: Project Overview An Oldham Borough Project Proposal

Fuel Poverty: Project Overview In March CEMB agreed that: Fuel poverty was a key joint priority, an excellent test- case for the Partnership’s collective appetite for joint investment Following this: Business case and headline investment agreement developed with partners to establish an investment agreement Focus New approach to partnership project development through outcome based payment by results model

Key points discussed and developed: –method for identifying people in fuel poverty –delivery model specification & options for delivery –evaluation model –legally binding investment agreement contents –payment options for Delivery Agent(s) –trigger mechanism for Payment by Results for investing partners

Overview Delivery Model: (agreed)

Overview Financial Model: (agreed for one year, subject to robust evaluation being undertaken to inform decisions on future years) Delivery model: £ Commissioned service170,000 Central monitoring30,000 Total cost200,000 Financial summary (based on 1,000 people out of fuel poverty) Housing ProvidersNHS CCGOldham CouncilTotal ££££ Delivery model77,50045,00077,500200,000 PbR Payments0250,00050,000300,000 [Payment by Results]77,500295,000127,500500,000 PbR Income(116,250)(67,500)(116,250)(300,000) Service Savings0(250,000)(50,000)(300,000) (116,250)(317,500)(166,250)(600,000) Total(38,750)(22,500)(38,750)(100,000)

Group to look at detail within the model and provide any further comments to Liz Hume by 17 th September Identification Model: Evaluation Model: Agreed subject to re-drafting to reflect Triple Aim model used by health, together with ‘innovation’. This should include clarity for both health and social care on ‘year of life’ costs for 12 months prior to involvement in the project, and 12 months post involvement. Agreed questionnaire is key & that a cross partnership group will be formed to ensure both the questionnaire and the wider evaluation model is developed fully to reflect the needs of all partners in time to go live by the end of March 2013.

+ Innovation Health – Triple Aim Model +

Payment Options for Delivery Agent(s) Agreed would leave open to commissioning process – providers to state their preferred options for payment – to be built into the commissioning specification. Specification to include requirement to work flexibly with a range of agencies for best possible package of provision and access to grants/loans for home improvements. All partners to be fully engaged in the commissioning and procurement process.

Trigger for releasing PbR to investing parties Lifting an individual out of fuel poverty is a key objective of the overall project and is what triggers payment from partners who have committed to sharing the financial benefits realised by achieving the outcome on an individual basis. The proposed savings to be shared are as follows: Health to cash - £250 per person lifted out of fuel poverty Council to cash - £50 per person lifted out of fuel poverty Option – Cap on income levels eligibility for scheme at £40,000 per annum. Estimates can be used in absence of average actual annual expenditure on energy bills – similar methodology as energy providers use to inform tariff switching decisions.

Yes No Refer to GM Energy Advice Service

Oldham Fuel Poverty Project Next Steps - investment agreement : Draft agreement to be circulated by 5 th Sept. Meeting to review the draft agreement 11 th Sept. Signing of agreement at CEMB meeting on 27 th September Project aiming to go live by the end of March ,000 people out of fuel poverty by March 2014