Social Progress Network Student: Daniel Lu Professor: Henry Chang Date: 11/17/2015 1
Q: What sorts of partners/partner organizations are you looking for? A: Are you a social innovator? Do you want your commitment to make a difference in people’s lives? Join us and find your place in the Social Progress Network! 2
Social Progress Leads—You have leadership skills, institutional support, convening capacity, long-term view, and don’t dismay. Do you want to launch a Social Progress Network? Social Progress Fellows—You have communications skills, knowledge and expertise on social development, belong to a community of practitioners, are policy-oriented. Do you want to help us spread the word? 3
Social Progress Network Managers—You have networking skills, access to different communities, are action-oriented, and horizontal collaboration is your mantra. Do you want to help us manage a network? Social Progress Methodological Experts—You have technical skills, know the context, are policy-oriented, and believe in open-data open-source movements. Do you want to help us generate actionable metrics? 4
The movement to complement traditional economic measurement with innovative tools to advance social progress is growing. Applying the Social Progress Index conceptual and methodological framework is working as a way to highlight challenges and bring new partners together to drive change in communities around the world. Join our network of partners in government, business, academia, and civil society who are using the Social Progress Index tool as a catalyst for action. 5
Q: What does the Social Progress Network actually do? A: To achieve our mission we need to go further than just measurement alone, and equip leaders and change-makers in business, government and civil society with new tools to guide policies and investments. This is being pursued by building a Social Progress Network of partners in government, business and civil society who want to use the Social Progress Index tool as a starting point for action in their countries. 6
Partner organizations in the Social Progress Network also use the Social Progress Framework (the Index structure applied to areas smaller than countries) to raise the voices of the real social progress experts, citizens who know their own needs best and the change-makers who are working on the ground with communities. The framework helps them articulate their concerns and get the attention of leaders in politics, the private sector and civil society. 7
Q: In what countries is the Social Progress Network most active? A: As of April 2015, the Social Progress Network is most active in the Latin American countries of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Trinidad & Tobago. We are actively expanding into the European Union, the United States, and Canada, as well as Malaysia. We have received requests for partnership from countries in every region of the world and are building our own capacity to take advantage of this interest. 8
Q: When will there be an active Social Progress Network in my country? A: Unfortunately, we simply do not have the human or financial resources yet to respond in every country to the incredible interest in our emerging movement. In 2015, we are expanding from a solid base of activity in Latin America to focus on North America and the European Union, including launching a Social Progress Index covering the entire EU at the NUTS-2 level late in the year. We plan to establish a presence in other regions in later years. 9
If you would like to be part of helping us advance social progress in your country, please get in touch. With your help, we might be able to expand even faster. 10
Q: What‘s the Social Progress Framework? A: The Social Progress Framework is the main structure of the Social Progress Index - three dimensions of Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, Opportunity; and four components for each dimension, which is also applicable at sub-national levels such as regions. The broad categories (three dimensions, by name; and twelve components, by name) examined are the same as in the Social Progress Index, but the indicators within each component will vary based on available data. 11
12 Q1: Where is the area to contact with SPI(Social Progress Index)?
GDP stands for 'gross domestic product,' the total market value of all the goods and services produced within the nation in a year. Two key features of the Social Progress Index(SPI) are: ◦ The complete exclusion of economic variables ◦ The use of outcome measures rather than inputs 13 Q2:Can we government or units replace by GDP by SPI?