Emerging Europe Section 3
Exploration & Colonization To expand trade, Europeans explored Africa, Asia, and the Americas and established colonies on all three continents.
Exploration & Colonization Europeans wanted to find gold and establish trade with Asia to obtain spices, silk, and gems They also wanted to CONVERT natives to Christianity.
Exploration & Colonization Dangerous Explorers sailed for months. Storms, diseases, and attacks by native peoples often prevented explorers from reaching their journey.
Exploration & Colonization European countries claimed lands for their own countries They established COLONIES. COLONY- an area controlled by a distant country.
Exploration & Colonization COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE- the sharing of goods & ideas resulting from European exploration and colonization. Colonies provided European countries with resources and gave them power.
Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was an age of great developments in technology that changed how people worked and lived Businesses looked for news ways to expand production which led to the Industrial Revolution
I.R. started in Great Britain in the 1700s with the TEXTILE industry. New machinery allowed cloth to be manufactured much faster than being hand woven. This simple change led to a major change in the way of life. (clothing became cheaper, people bought more clothing, fashion developed).
Industrial Revolution At first factories were powered by water, in 1776 James Watt developed the steam engine powered by coal. Soon coal began powering many different machines Coal became the most important raw material. Britain developed as a world power due to its rich deposits of coal and many colonies to also get coal and other minerals from.
Industrial Revolution The good…. The I.R. had a huge impact on the way people worked and lived. Cities grew rapidly because people moved there for factory jobs. Standards of living rose and a prosperous middle class grew.
Industrial Revolution The bad… Factory workers often faces harsh conditions and worked 16 hour days. Child labor was common- kids as young as 5 worked in factories and mines, some where even chained to machines. Workers lived in small, crowded houses. Disease spread quickly due to poor sanitation.
The French Revolution The late 1700s in France was a period of economic and political unrest. A series of revolutions led to several different temporary governments. After many years of violence, Napoleon came to power and restored order in France.
The Roots of the Revolution French society had 3 groups 1 st Estate- clergy 2 nd Estate- nobility 3 rd Estate- everyone else The 3 rd Estate paid the most taxes but had no voice in government. The 3 rd Estate began to demand change, spurred by the ideas of the Enlightenment- stressed the rights of the individual. The ideas of Enlightenment thinkers helped inspire the American Revolution
Nationalism & World War I Nationalism, new alliances, and growing tensions in Europe led to World War I. NATIONALISM- a strong sense of loyalty to one’s country. Nationalism created fierce competition among rival countries. Especially countries competing for raw materials and colonies in Africa and Asia.
World War I Italy Unifies European countries continue forming alliancesWW I begins US enters war Treaty of Versailles signed German states unite to form German Empire Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated World War I ends
Nationalism & World War I To strengthen their position, countries formed alliances. Due to alliances, a conflict between 2 countries quickly spiraled into a world war.
Nationalism & World War I WW I was fought for 4 brutal years. Both sides used deadly technology- machine guns, airplanes, tanks, submarines, & poison gas. In 1918 Germany surrendered to France, Britain, and the US. An estimated 10 million soldiers and 7 million civilians died.
Impact of World War I Treaty of Versailles Germany was forced to pay several billions in damages and accept full blame for the war. Many of Germany’s territories were taken away. The treaty angered and humiliated the German people and did little to ease tensions in Europe. This led to another world war.