Image Preprocessing Assessment Detecting Low Contrast Regions Under non-Homogeneous Light Conditions Camilo Vargas 1, Jeyson Molina 1, John W. Branch 1, Alejandro Restrepo 2 1 Escuela de Sistemas, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín {cjvargas, jjmolinac, 2 Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín, Colombia 1st PSIVT Workshop on Quality Assessment and Control by Image and Video Analysis
Agenda 1. Motivation / application 2. Assessment 3. Methods and procedures 4. Results 5. Conclusions 6. References
1. Motivation
Motivation / application: – Automated visual inspection. – Low-contrast flaw detection. – Flaw detection on dentures. – LCDs [], plastic surfaces and leather []. Imagen diente
Artificial tooth Flaw Fig 2. Dentures flaw detection prototype Motivation / application
2. Assessment
Automated visual inspection: Specific problem: Low-contrast flaw detection under uneven lighting images (performance). acquisition Pre-processing Segmentation Feature extraction Classification Specific problem Fig 3. Automated visual inspection process
Assessment – Measure the flaw detection process performance with a without pre-processing. Segmentation Feature extraction Classification Preprocessed image set Non-preprocessed image set Results: Segmentation Classification Total Results: Segmentation Classification Total Fig 4. Assessment process
3. Methods and procedures
Pre-processing – Unsharp mask – Total variation denoising – Contrast stretching Segmentation – Tophat transform Feature extraction Clasification (SVM)
Preprocessing: Unsharp Mask – Substracts a fraction of the blurred version of the input image to the original input image itself. Input image Unsharp mask (λ = 0.6, sigma = 7 ) Fig 5. Unsharp masking results
Input image (Sharpen) Denoised image w=10, iter = 100 Fig 6. T.V. Denoising results
Input image (Denoised) Contrast enhanced image (a=40, b=210) Fig 7. Contrast stretching results
Preprocessing: Results Fig 8. Preprocessing Results Unsharp mask, TV. denoising, and contrast stretching Input imagePreprocessed image
Fig 9. Tophat segmentationFig 10. Parameter selection (TPR/FPR)
Feature extraction: – 52 Features: Intensity levels, geometry, contrast and texture features. Principal component analisys. SMOTE: to balance feature data base generating flaw instances. Classification: Support vector machine – Supervised learning and cross validation (10 fold).
4. Results
Assessment: – 2 image sets, preprocessed and non-preprocessed images (40 images each set). – 73 flaw regions. Detection process Results: Segmentation Classification Total Results: Segmentation Classification Total Fig 11. Assessment process Preprocessed images set Non- preprocessed images set
Segmentation - Low-contrast, uneven lighting, fixed Tophat kernel size, variable flaws regions size. Flaw regions: True positive False alarm region: False positive Flaw regions segmented False alarm regions segmented Total segmented regions Non-preprocessed image set Preprocessed image set Table 1. Segmented regions Fig 12. Segmentation results
Confusion matrixes and accuracy Acc = (TP+TN) / (TP+TN+FP+FN) Non-preprocessed images classifier False alarm regionFlaw region False alarm region951 Flaw region374 Preprocessed images classifier False alarm regionFlaw region False alarm region34716 Flaw region % 93.87% Table 2. Non-preprocessed images classifier confusion matrix Table 3. Preprocessed images classifier confusion matrix
Flaw samples correctly detected – Detection results vs manual segmentations. Detected flaw samples Undetected flaw samples Percentage of flaw samples detected Non-preprocessed images % Preprocessed images 34685% Table 4. Overall detection process performance
5. Conclusions
For the given low-contrast and uneven ligthing circumstances specialized preprocessing and segmentation techniques are required. 12.5% increase on the overall detection process performance is noticed. The preprocessing impacts the detection process mainly on the segmentation stage.
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