Anu Chandra Purdue University
Adults Senior citizens Target Audience
This story will be used as an introduction for a crochet lesson targeted towards adults and senior citizens at a local library. The major challenge faced earlier is to make them believe that ‘it is never too late to start a new hobby’. The purpose of the story is also to positively impact a newcomer, help them develop interest for a life long learning experience and creativity. So the instructional context of this story is to send a message ‘it is never too late to start a new hobby’. Context
Modality principle: I am using visual images and narration. Voice principle: I will use my voice for narration as human voice enhances learning. Multimedia Principles
Storyboard overview Scene 1 Statement Scene 6 Encouragement Scene 5 Exposure Scene 4 Background information Scene 3 Introduction Scene 8 Enjoying learning Scene 7 Satisfaction and pleasure Scene 9 Closure Scene 10 Moral of the story Scene 2 Time of story Scene 11 Goodluck for future
Scene 1 Image: Picture of yarn and crochet hook Transition: Image is Flashed Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: I am not here to teach you all ‘how to crochet’. I am here to share a story with you all.
Scene 2 Image: Clock Narration: So when does this story start? We have to travel 3 years back..
Scene 3 Image: Sad and depressed lady Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: This is a picture of a young girl who went through a crisis in her life, a sudden pregnancy loss. Her dreams were shattered and she felt lonely.
Scene 4 Image: Hospital & library Transition from hospital to library. Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: Depressed with her life she decided to volunteer her services at the same hospital. There she met a fine old lady, who became her good friend. One day she was invited by her friend to visit the local library with her.
Image: Seniors crocheting, crochet stacks. Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: Reluctantly she reached the library without much expectations. When she entered the meeting room she was amazed to see a room full of women with grey hairs chattering and crocheting. There were so many different colorful yarns, crochet hooks and patterns lying around. There were some pretty crochet hats, sweaters stacked to be donated. She felt as if she entered a different world. Scene 5
Scene 6 Image: Yarn and hook Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: She was welcomed warmly. She felt inspired, and wanted to try her hand. Immediately her intentions was welcomed with an applause and she was gifted with a ball of yarn and a crochet hook. One fine lady volunteered and gave her the first crochet lesson.
Scene 7 Image: Finished items Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: Thereafter she didn’t look back, she got hooked up. She made a hairband the very next day, then the following day she made a hat. In a week she was crocheting headbands, hats, afghans and was mailing them as gifts for her niece & friends’ kids.
Scene 8 Image: Video teaching crochet Audio: You are my sunshine instrumental.mp3 Narration: She continued teaching herself using YouTube videos, books. She realized that she no longer felt bored, she was happy to find a new hobby which helped her relax in a very productive way.
Scene 9 Image: Me Audio: You are my sunshine.mp3 Narration: The girl in the story is me, here I am standing in front of you all. I look back, three years have passed by, I am now blessed with a lovely beautiful daughter who is enjoying my creations.
Scene 10 So this is how I got a meaning to my life, I now believe ‘it is really never too late to learn something new in your life’. Feel happy and stay blessed. Audio: You are my sunshine.mp3
Scene 11 Image: Goodluck Narration: Well I would like to wish you all good luck in your crochet journey. Be creative and feel happy. Thank you.