Igniting Student Success: Powered by Communities In Schools of Delaware A Communities In Schools of Delaware Strategic Focus
Our Cumulative 6-Year Success! 2 CIS of Delaware Raised $8.2 Million Served 50,000 students Case Managed 5,000 students! 98% Stayed In School 90% Graduation Rate State and Affiliate Accreditation 8 to 14 School Sites
Poverty Affects Student Performance 3 SOURCE: "Child Poverty by the Numbers." Center for American Progress. Center for American Progress, 16 Sept Web. 31 Oct
The Case 4
Dropout Rate 5 School William Penn High School 6.4%3.4% John Dickinson High School 6.3%4.3% Thomas McKean High School 4.9%3.0% Dover High School3.8%1.5% CISDE High Schools with more than 3 year presence
Graduation Rate 6 School William Penn High School73.6%84.2% John Dickinson High School57.7%81% Thomas McKean High School 70.3%85.2% AI High School81%88% Dover High School Race to Top Turn around 69.3%86.7% CISDE High Schools with more than 3 year presence 4 Year ESEA Adjusted Rate
Students Served by CIS of Delaware 9,324 students 8,202 Level I 1122 Level II 82% racial minorities More than 90% eligible for free and reduced lunch CISDE Students Racial Breakdown of CISDE Students Projected Number of Students
Case Managed Students Goal Attainment 8
CIS Case Managed Student 9
10 CIS of Delaware and our partner schools When asked how CIS has been the most helpful at their school, this is how some teachers responded: “It's a great resource for students who need emotional, academic, financial support. Keep up the good work!” - Spanish Teacher, John Dickinson High School “CIS continues to motivate students, empowered them with leadership roles & brought a higher awareness of the outside world to the students.” - ELA Teacher, Thomas McKean High School “It has improved student behavior, morale and academics! It has also been a support for students in need.” Counselor, Alexis I duPont High School “The ladies have been a huge social and personal support to our students. They really help most with our students who are overly emotional when teachers struggle to find ways to help.” - Math Teacher, East Side Charter
CIS and our students “ Helping me deal with my emotions better and motivate me.” - 8 th grade, Milford Central Academy “Helping with my home situation while my dad was out of work; helping with food.” - 12 th grade, Thomas McKean High School “Making me become a better person and more serious about my education.” - 12 th grade, Thomas McKean High School “Not giving up on me and giving me motivation to keep up my top performance in school and life.” - 10 th grade, William Penn High School 11
Integrated Student Supports 12 Students in poverty graduating college and career ready Education Reform Youth Development Dynamic Learning Environments that promote human development Supports Integrated Student
An Evidence Base: Key Findings re: the ISS Approach 13 Making the Grade: Assessing the Evidence for Integrated Student Supports Released by Child Trends on February 25, 2014 Although the evaluation basis is still emerging, it appears that ISS models can improve academic outcomes. Integrated student supports represent a promising approach, well-grounded in theory, research, and community experience. Studies using different data and employing different approaches all find positive returns on investment.
14 The CIS Model © Communities In Schools 2015
ISS Theory of Change
Linking Supports to Students 16 II I III High Intensity Low CIS provides three tiers of supportCIS serves two types of students If a student receives any combination of Tier II and/or Tier III supports, they will be considered a case managed student Whole Student Body (incl. Case Managed Students) Case Managed Students
17 The CIS Model in Action CIS can offer supports to entire school populations. These are called our Tier I services. a new pair of glasses… …school supplies… …a tutor... Photo: Scott Henrichsen Photo: Greg Schaler Photo: Communities In Schools of North Carolina …a check-up at the mobile dental truck.
For students who face severe and persistent barriers to success and achievement in school, Tier 2 and 3(or case-managed) supports can bring success. The CIS Model in Action Photo: David Harriman HomelessnessTeen PregnancyIncarcerated Parent English Language Learners (ELLs) Substance Abuse Gang Involvement LGBT Issues Foster Care Photo: David Harriman
The Positive Youth Development Field The Mentoring Field The Mental Health Field The Out-of-School Time Field
20 UNLOCK THE POTENTIAL CHANGE THE FRAME SECURE THE FUTURE Highly trained community leaders propel CIS’ proven model, doubling positive outcomes for young people. Policymakers and the general public see CIS and Integrated Student Services as an effective solution to poverty and access to quality education for all Increased public and private resources are available to deliver high- quality Integrated Student Services to every child in need in America. CIS Strategic Drivers
Communities In Schools Sites and Staff Middle School Sites Alexis I Dupont : Ebony Jones, Site Director Stanton: Johniece Ray, Site Director High School Sites John Dickinson: Latoya Pendergrass, Site Director Alexis I Dupont: Tamika Lee, Site Director Thomas McKean: Katie Kravitz, Site Director Bianca Page, Project Coordinator 21
CIS-Red Clay Demographics 22
CIS Program Overviews 1.Tier 1: Choice Bus, Muffins and Moms, Credit Recovery, College Tours 2.Tier 2: YMEI, GirlTalk, 3.Tier 3: Case Management, 23
A Day in the Life of A CIS Site Director Choice Bus Tier 1 Service – 24
Growth Plan and Opportunities Expansion of the Feeder Pattern Provide services to Alternative/Adjudicate Youth Expand Services to Hispanic/Latino Families Create a Family Resource Center Expand Community Partnerships 25
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