Proprietary Colonies England owed money to individuals who lent it to the monarchy To repay them, King Charles II gave land to them in the Americas These colonies were called proprietary colonies Those who owned the land ruled the colony New York, New Jersey, Carolina, and Pennsylvania became proprietary colonies
New York Colony King Charles II gave the land to James, the Duke of York (hence the name New York) The land was previously controlled by the Dutch, but when the English soldiers arrived they forced the Dutch to surrender English, Dutch, Scandinavians, Germans, French, Native Americans, and enslaved Africans lived in New York Religious tolerance was allowed The fur trade was a major money maker for people in New York
New Jersey Colony James, the Duke of York, gave land to Sir George Carteret and Sir John Berkley They named the land New Jersey after Carteret’s home Berkley ended up selling his portion of the land to English Quakers, which became Pennsylvania and Delaware
Pennsylvania Colony The Quakers settled Pennsylvania under William Penn Believed in the equality of all men and women Did not believe in social classes or war Refused to pay taxes to support the Church of England Allowed religious tolerance Penn recognized Native American’s right to land
William Penn Aristocratic Englishman 1660 – Attracted to the Quaker faith Embrace Quakerism after military service 1681 – he received a grant from the king to establish a colony Named it Pennsylvania – “Penn’s Woodland” He sent out paid agents and advertised for settlers Liberal land policy attracted many immigrants
Penn and Native Americans Bought (didn’t simply take) land from Indians Quakers went among the Indians unarmed BUT… non-Quaker Europeans flooded Pennsylvania Treated native peoples poorly This undermined the actions of the Quakers
Government of Pennsylvania Representative assembly elected by landowners No tax-supported church Freedom of worship guaranteed to all Forced to deny the right to vote and hold office to Catholics and Jews by the English government
Pennsylvanian Society Attracted many different people Religious misfits from other colonies Many different ethnic groups No provision for military defense No restrictions on immigration No slavery!! “Blue Laws” – against stage plays, cards, dice, excessive amusement A society that gave its citizens economic opportunity, civil liberty, and religious freedom
Delaware Colony First settled by the Swedes, then the Dutch, and later the English Penn wanted access to water so he persuaded the Duke of York to give him land near the Delaware River and bay This land became Delaware It was a major trade route
Maryland Colony Lord Baltimore founded the colony as a haven for Catholics and for personal wealth More Protestants than Catholics ended up settling there and clashes were common Toleration Act was passed that protected the right of all Christians to practice their religion
The Carolinas Representative assembly and religious toleration to attract settlers Southern Carolina: port city of Charleston, prosperous estates, large plantations for rice and indigo, dependent on slave labor Northern Carolina: small farmers, little to no slave labor Eventually became to separate colonies, North Carolina and South Carolina
Georgia Founded in 1733 Last of the 13 colonies Made to be a “buffer zone” between Spanish Florida and the colonies Exported silk and wine James Oglethorpe settled the colony as a place for debtors English prisons had terrible conditions and honest people were thrown in there because they couldn’t pay their debts Determined to keep slavery out! Slavery founded in Georgia by 1750