Why Are Their Kicking PATTERNs Different? What factor makes The difference?
Physiotherapists often try to provide the ideal posture and movement… Each human has a normal standing posture and movement pattern… In the future… I would like to reveal the relationship of them.
Different Standing Postures and How They Affect Their Movements Daichi Iwasaki IMPG
Content ・ Literature Review (3 sections) ・ Research Question ・ Method ・ Result ・ Discussion ・ Conclusion ・ References
Literature Review ・ Kendall, et al. (2005) → 5 types standing posture → Only one ideal posture However… ・ Roussouly, et al. (2005) ・ Raine and Twomey (1997) and Preece, et al. (2008) → The variety of normal spinal alignment and pelvic shape
Literature Review ・ Janda (1988 cited in Page, Frank and Lardner, 2010) ・ Murata, et al. (2003) → Upper-crossed and Lower-crossed syndrome → Knee-Spine syndrome In contrast… ・ Tüzün, et al. (1999) → there was no postural alignment to be able to identify causes of low back pain.
Literature Review ・ Coddman (1934 cited in Crosbie, et al., 2008), Inman and Saunders (1946) ・ Kapandji (1970) and Crosbie, et al. (2008) → The coordination between humeral, scapular and spinal motion in the shoulder movement task. On the other hand… ・ Bohannon, Gajdosik and LeVeau (1985) ・ Iwasaki, et al. (2013) →There were different movement patterns in the hip flexion task.
Various natural postures and movement patterns are known to exist. but… There is no documented evidence to show how different standing postures affect their movement patterns. Literature Review
Research Question Do different standing postures have an effect on how people move in the same movement task?
Methods (Quantitative) ➀ Photograph of comfortable standing postures from the side ➁ Dividing into five types ・ 27 participants without dysfunction and limitation
Methods (Quantitative) ➂ Movement task: Deep squatting movement ・ Observing movement patterns in the side (1) and front (2) ➃ Pairing movement patterns up and dividing into five types. (1)(2) (1) (2) Hip Knee Out In Ideal or
Methods (Qualitative) ・ Unstructured questions to physiotherapists → the way they assess postures and movements → the possibility of prediction for movements
Results 0 IdealFlat-back Lordotic (1) (2) Hip Knee Out In Ideal 41
Results Kypho-Lordotic (1) (2) Hip Knee Out In Ideal 111 Sway-back (1) (2) Hip Knee Out In Ideal 8 1 1
Results Due to the fact that human body is too complex to understand, there is no consensus to predict human movement. ・ Easy assessment scheme might be needed. ・ The usefulness of this research (Summary of the answer for questions)
Discussion Preventive care Advanced training method ・ The differences of joint motions (Kinetic chains) according to the position of gravity centre on each person
Conclusion There were some findings for various postural and movement patterns in some studies. After dividing standing postures and deep squatting movements, the relationship of them have been analised. Although the reliability might not high, it has been revealed that there were some tendencies. Through this research, the movement patterns according to standing postures might be demonstrated.
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