CEA Saclay – Institute of research into the fundamental laws of the Universe PPM DU Pre Production Model Detection Unit Status and plans Th. Stolarczyk.


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Presentation transcript:

CEA Saclay – Institute of research into the fundamental laws of the Universe PPM DU Pre Production Model Detection Unit Status and plans Th. Stolarczyk CEA Irfu ASC meeting, March 28 th, 2011

Since last ASC meeting… Full technological convergence Initially planned for April 2011 Motivated by the wish to improve the overall efficiency January 11 th : WP FL proposal for “DOMBar” : “A bar structure with multi-PM at both ends” Endorsed by SPB on January 25 th, 2011 Consequences Slight reorganisation of WP FL New optimisation on mechanics  Additional delay on the planning March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 2

WP FL Coordination P. Lamare (CEA) E. Heine (Nikhef) E. de Wolf (Nikhef) Th. Stolarczyk (CEA) Coordination P. Lamare (CEA) E. Heine (Nikhef) E. de Wolf (Nikhef) Th. Stolarczyk (CEA) DOM P. Kooijman (Nikhef) DOM P. Kooijman (Nikhef) DU M.Musumeci (INFN) R. Papaleo (INFN) DU M.Musumeci (INFN) R. Papaleo (INFN) Electronics Photonics F. Louis (CEA) A. Belias (Nestor) Electronics Photonics F. Louis (CEA) A. Belias (Nestor) Cal. / Instr. R. Lahmann (ECAP) J. Rose (Leeds) Cal. / Instr. R. Lahmann (ECAP) J. Rose (Leeds) Assembly S. Henry (CPPM) E. Berbee (Nikhef) Assembly S. Henry (CPPM) E. Berbee (Nikhef) Operation B. Vallage (CEA) Operation B. Vallage (CEA) QA/QC L. Caillat (CPPM) J. Giraud (CEA) QA/QC L. Caillat (CPPM) J. Giraud (CEA) Buoy Dead weight Deployment Storey Ropes Backbone Hydrodynamics Buoy Dead weight Deployment Storey Ropes Backbone Hydrodynamics PPM Procedures Sites Logitics Tools PPM Procedures Sites Logitics Tools LQS PBS Failure mode Risk analysis Review LQS PBS Failure mode Risk analysis Review Site Shore station Shift Program Site Shore station Shift Program PMT base Central Logic board Collection boards Power board Optics Data reception board Data Storage Software Timing PMT base Central Logic board Collection boards Power board Optics Data reception board Data Storage Software Timing Compass/ tilt meter Piezo Hydrophone Autonomous Nanobeacon Environment Compass/ tilt meter Piezo Hydrophone Autonomous Nanobeacon Environment March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 3 PMT Sphere Mechanics Cooling Connection Boards PMT Sphere Mechanics Cooling Connection Boards Production R. Papaleo (INFN) E. Berbee (Nikhef) Production R. Papaleo (INFN) E. Berbee (Nikhef) Industry Tender rules Human resources Planning Industry Tender rules Human resources Planning

DU description DU Digital Optical Module Backbone Storey 6 m long m Anchor Shore Electronics & readout Power Electronics Readout Instrumentation March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 4 Electro-optical transmission

WPF : Production preparation of telescope components 1. Descrip. of a PPM of a detection unit, calibration system, data acquisition system < 1/09/ Tested PPM version of detection unit, calibration system, data acquisition system < 1/01/ Description of the production models … < 28/02/2012 WPL : Resource plan for production of telescope components 1.Definition of production tests and rules … for subcontracting < 1/07/ Description of the infrastructure for assembly and integration sites … < 1/01/ Human resource plan for the production plan for the construction phase < 1/01/2012 PPM DU as a deliverable March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 5

Objectives of the PPM DU Test deployment Tower structure, 880 m high Unfurling method Hydrodynamic behaviour Calibrate Validate innovative instruments Nanobeacon “Piezo” acoustic sensors Optical transmission Losses, timing DU behaviour Measure photons, send to shore Test multi-PMT DOM in-situ Implement and test run control.  Stable operation for a few months. Measure Physics signal as an ultimate test ? Coincidences between floors. Return of experience March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 6 Hardware restricted to the minimum necessary

2 connected storeys 18 autonomous dummy storeys 2 spacers BackboneBackbone Base + deadweight DOM 31 PMTs Electronics Instrumentation Acoustic piezo Compass Tiltmeter PPM DU description Hosting infrastructure 2 DOMS 2 hydrophones 2 spheres 1 NDLM Optic. Fanout Module 2 DOMS 2 hydrophones :::: :::: 2 spheres 1 NDLM NDLM (= data logger) Pressure Compass 3D accelerometer March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 7

Sphere  17” PMTs (19+12)  3” QE  32 % Initially Photonis Winston cone Base Adjust. HV ( V) Front-end ASIC time-over-threshold  LVDS Power board Electronics Calibration devices Single penetrator March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 8 DOM (Digital Optical Module)

Hamamatsu  2 DOM DOM PMTs (124 in total) 4 x 31 = 124 ETEL  2 DOM Test bench ready in KVI 10 expected to be received  Further deliveries (100 in total) Offer for 600 to be delivered in 2011 available New product First 3 tested in Erlangen – not satisfactory Further deliveries : ? March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu Base (Signal collection board) ASIC PMT coupling needed improvement, solution available 9 Critical

Cooling Mushroom Heat conducting foil Powerboard Logic board (dummy) On shield On Mushroom Foam core with PMTs (test cables) Assembly of DOM Poor optical gel March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 10

Mechanics and Assembly Mechanics Internal : in stock or being delivered Interface to storey (see later)  first proto. ordered Assembly duration 4 x lower hemispheres : 5 weeks 4 x upper hemisphere: 6 weeks 4 x full DOM: 1 week  Total : 12 weeks Tests before integration : 4 x 3 weeks March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 11 P. Kooijman (Nikhef) Nikhef KVI ISS APC Prototype qualification : September 2011

SOC (FPGA + Processor) Power Board Central Logic Board Scott TDC Octopus Board PMT Base Octopus Board PMT Base T° NanoB Hydrophone Piezo Scott Compass & Tilt Memory SOC ADC Off shore Electronics Optical On shore March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 12 Data reception board Switch PCs Ethernet GPS & Clock

Electronics - status Central logic board Being designed Scott2 validation + Scott/TDC choice (mid April) Interface to instrumentation Power board Last details to be fixed (instrumentation, Scott/TDC choice) Acquisition, Control & Command Software Ready ! Optical domain (Laser on shore) under test On-Shore electronics To be developed Data reception board Data processing/monitoring March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 13 F. Louis (CEA) A. Belias (NOA Nestor) CEA, Nikhef, INFN NOA Nestor ECAP, IFIC (instr.) TDC/ Scott choice : mid-May CLB validation : September 2011

Instrumentation March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 14 R. Lahmann (Ecap) J. Rose (Leeds) ECAP IFIC INFN Catania Nestor Piezo : 7 avail. El. Card : 7 available Tested in lab. Integration in DOM : OK Interface with CLB : under way Piezo : 7 avail. El. Card : 7 available Tested in lab. Integration in DOM : OK Interface with CLB : under way Hydrophone : 4 avail. El. Card : to be adapted for DOM Integration on storey : ? Interface with CLB : t.b. def. Hydrophone : 4 avail. El. Card : to be adapted for DOM Integration on storey : ? Interface with CLB : t.b. def. Nanobeacon : 4 avail. El. Card : available Tests in situ and in Antares - OK Nanobeacon : 4 avail. El. Card : available Tests in situ and in Antares - OK

DU Structure Main initial developments 6 optical modules (Mecabar) Storeys built Hydrodynamic tests First deployment Partially successful (due to packaging) Delayed compared to original plan Personpower underestimated Delay in component delivery Choice of DOM technology  Efforts on DOMBAR  Floor optimisation March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 15

Bar Frame New DU structure : DOMBAR March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 16 BuoySpiral backbone DOM 6 m Storey with buoyancy NEMO Deployment method

DU: Rope and cable management Data VEOC Mechanical Cable (Dyneema rope) March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 17 R. Papaleo (INFN) M. Musumeci (INFN) Nikhef INFN CPPM CEA Under study now

DU dev. plan March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 18 R. Papaleo (INFN) M. Musumeci (INFN) Nikhef INFN CPPM CEA Design : Summer 2011 Shore qualification : Dec Sea-tests : March 2012 Critical

DU structure : Backbone 2 VEOCs (Vertical Electro Optical cables) Oil filled, Pressure balanced Left and right – redundancy, stability of DU Top part, low part, each with 11 fibres connected via Optical Fanout Module Cabling One fiber per DOM Two Cu conductors, 400 V 180 W, daisy chain Mechanical No stress in cable Lengths dependent on DU design Drag minimisation OFM DWDM and circulator to (de)multiplex 20 fibres onto 2 fibres towards the JB March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 19

Backbone - Status Prototypes 100 m, 40 fibres, 4 Cu (Seacon) 600 Bar, Fibres OK 200 m, 13 fibres, 2 Cu 600 Bar Bar Fibres OK Seacon connector for test failed (4 positions out of 13) Breakout being designed, prototype ready Conclusion < 2 Months Construction 2 * 2 breakouts only 4 months (2 in parallel) Test plan related to the DU structure Backup pre-study ?? March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 20 R. Papaleo (INFN) M. Musumeci (INFN) Nikhef INFN CPPM CEA m 1m

Construction, Deployment Operations Investment money being “collected” (Cf. commitments) Responsibilities for construction defined QA/QC being implemented Local Quality Supervisor in the labs  Training for the next steps New “operation” subtask Data taking preparation Site choice Connector availability ? Surface vessels and ROV ? March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 21

Commitments (25 March) March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 22 Costs* in k€ TOTAL TOTAL740 Du infrastructure : 162 DOM + hydrophone : 099 Data logger : 033 Base : 027 Shore station : 070 Connection material : 090 Transport and sea operations : 160 Assembly and tests : 100 Not yet covered :330 Covered but Site dependent : 345 *No VAT, no logistics Costs* in k€ TOTAL TOTAL740 Du infrastructure : 162 DOM + hydrophone : 099 Data logger : 033 Base : 027 Shore station : 070 Connection material : 090 Transport and sea operations : 160 Assembly and tests : 100 Not yet covered :330 Covered but Site dependent : 345 *No VAT, no logistics Preliminary

Planning March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 23

Planning (simplified version) March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 24 Qualification / validation Choice / design

Conclusion Critical items in the planning DU mechanics Many fte allocated Still in the very first phase Challenging dev. plan Influence backbone design Backbone Tests so far are favourable, is however experimental cable Need an alternative to be studied? PMT delivery and validation Dependent on industrial specs Now a single project ! Very ambitious planning, but we go for it! It will l however end after the end of the PP contract Still some investment to be covered Site* to be chosen soon Real steps toward the first KM3neT DUs *for the PPM DU March 28th, 2011 Th. Stolarczyk - CEA Irfu 25