Chapter 20 Politics and Political Institutions The Nature of Politics and Political Institutions The Nation-State in Crisis Political Institutions: A Global View Perspectives on Political Institutions Military Institutions
The Nature of Politics Determines “who gets what, when, and how.” The basis of politics is competition for the ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will.
The Nature of Politics Sets of norms and statuses that specialize in the exercise of power and authority are political institutions. The set of political institutions that operates in a particular society forms the state.
Legitimacy A society’s ability to maintain the belief that the existing political institutions are the most appropriate for that society. Even when citizens believe their government is legitimate, force may be needed to maintain order and ensure compliance with the law.
Three Types of Authority Traditional Charismatic Legal
Nation-State The most important political territory in world affairs. The largest territory within which a society’s political institutions can operate without having to face challenges to their sovereignty. Throughout the world there are nation-states in crisis.
Rights of Citizenship Civil rights - freedom of speech, thought, and faith. Political rights - the right to vote. Social rights - the right to a certain level of economic welfare and security.
Categories of National Regimes Liberal democracies Emergent democracies Communist regimes Nationalistic socialist regimes
Categories of National Regimes Authoritarian nationalist regimes Authoritarian military regimes Islamic nationalist regimes Absolutist regimes
Functionalist Perspective Structural prerequisites are required for democratic political institutions to develop and operate: High levels of economic development. Urbanization and literacy. A culture that tolerates dissent.
Power Elite Model The presence of democratic institutions does not mean that a society is democratic. Political decisions are actually controlled by an elite of rich and powerful individuals.
Politics and Social Interaction Machiavelli - political institutions must be based on the recognition that human beings are capable of evil as well as good. This played a major part in the planning of the U.S. government in which each branch is able to check abuses of power by the other branches.
Military Institutions A major issue in political sociology is how states can control their military institutions A society cannot remain democratic if the military usurps the authority granted to it by civilian institutions. The Military has an immense influence on the economy.