Petroleum and Natural Gas By: Shannon Donovan, Stephanie Pett, Hannah Pedone, and Emily Clarke
Fossil Fuels Fuel: is any substance that produces energy when it is burned Fossils: the remains of once- living organisms The process by which living organisms become fossil fuels takes millions of years Fossil fuels are nonrenewable energy sources coal, oil, or natural gas
Petroleum and natural gas They are fossil fuels that are nonrenewable and formed from decaying remains of organisms Oil and natural gas are often found in the same deposit About 99.9 % of all the oil and natural gas that ever formed continued to move upward to the earth’s surface where it escaped into the air
The supply of natural gas The former Soviet Union contains about 40% of the world’s natural gas reserves The united states contains approximately 6% of the world’s reserves Worldwide there is much natural gas that has been undiscovered
Forming petroleum and natural gas Take millions of years to form like other fossil fuels Petroleum and natural gas are formed from tiny microscopic organisms that accumulated at the bottom of the ocean floor The micro organisms decompose and are covered in clay sediments
Forming petroleum and natural gas Heat and pressure increase on the micro organisms under the layers of accumulating materials This heat and pressure changed the clay sediments to shale rock
Collecting petroleum and natural gas Step 1: A well is drilled nearly two miles down, then curves at the bottom into a Bakken formation meaning an oil rich formation Step 2: cement and steel casings to guard against seepage from the pipe in ground water Step 3: fluid is pumped under high pressure down the well and into the rock to end the pipe, fracturing the rock in stages to release the oil
Technology Absorbents: materials that soak up oil (pillows full of chicken feathers) Skimmers: high speed boats that soak up oil Lasers: used to ignite oil when spilled in the ocean Floating barriers: used to surround oil that has contaminated the ocean
Technology Detergent: sprayed on the oil spilled in the ocean to control it Bacteria: they break down the hydrocarbons in the oil into harmless substances ex. Fertilizers are spread for growth of bacteria Genetic engineering: to create more effective bacteria
Uses of Petroleum and Natural Gas After world war II more developed countries began using natural gas and oil Crude oil: the original form of petroleum before it is separated and refined to be used It is separated and refined before used for gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel which powers most vehicles 80% Heating- 80% of natural gas is used for indoor heating
Advantages Cost efficient fuel for vehicles Natural Gas burns cleanly and doesn’t leave behind ash It is a cost efficient way to heat your homes
Disadvantages Air pollutants, Acid precipitation, Greenhouse effect harmful substances caused by natural gas and petroleum harmful to living things the gases in the earths atmosphere are trapped and heat is radiated, acid is created from pollution and is mixed with rain water Oil spills
Terms Fuels: is any substance that produces energy when it is burned Hydrocarbons: compounds that consist of only hydrogen and carbon Fossils: the remains of once- living organisms Petroleum: another word for oil Crude oil: the original form of petroleum before it is separated and refined to be used
Terms Air pollutants: harmful substances in the air caused by fossil fuels such as natural gas and petroleum; harmful to living things Greenhouse effect: occurs when the gases in the earths atmosphere are trapped and heat is radiated Acid precipitation: an acid found in rain due to pollution; it is as harmful as lemon juice but can erode rocks
Terms Absorbents: materials that soak up oil (pillows full of chicken feathers) Skimmers: high speed boats that soak up oil Petrochemicals: useful substances made from oil and natural gas Combustion: the process of combining oxygen with another element