Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for reduction at FLASH and XFEL Svem Lederer Unwanted Beam Workshop 2012 Berlin, Dec 18, 2012
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 2 Outline > FLASH > XFEL > Standard actions to minimize Field Emission (FE) > Attempts to reduce dark current transport > CO 2 (dry ice) cleaning > Cathode handling
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 3 FLASH > Normal conducting 1.3 GHz RF gun > Ce 2 Te cathode > Nd:YLF based ps photocathode laser > sFLASH undulators (variable gap) > THz Undulator > FEL Experimental Hall > 3 rd harmonic module 3.9 GHz > Diagnostics and matching > Deflecting cavity LOLA 315 m Bunch Compressors Soft X-ray Undulators sFLASH 5 MeV150 MeV450 MeV1250 MeV Accelerating Structures Diagnostics FEL Experiments RF stations LOLA RF Gun Laser Photon Diagnostics Beam Dump 3 rd harmonics
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 4 FLASH > FLASH uses TESLA technology > 7 accelerating modules: each with 8 superconducting 9-cell cavities, 1.3 GHz > Pure Nb, operated at 2 K > Energy gain (nominal) 200 MeV per module > Burst mode: 800 μs at 10 Hz > Efficient acceleration: high Q ~ (loaded Q = 2 x 10 6 ) > Electron beam energy ~375 MeV GeV Energy gain ~25 MV/m 1 m
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 5 FLASH Gun body with water cooling Solenoid Bz_peak ~ 0.17 – 0.2 T Bucking coil Photo cathode (Cs 2 Te, QE 1-15%) Coaxial RF coupler Laser 262 nm, length 6.5 ps rms Electron bunch 0 – 3 nC, 5 MeV Mirror in vacuum > 1.3 GHz copper cavity, 1 ½ cell RF power 4 MW, RF pulse length 850 µs, 10 Hz (34 kW) Driven with laser on Cs 2 Te photocathode > Electron beam parameters: Charge 0…3 nC, bunch length ~2 mm rms Emittance <1.5 mm 1 nC Trains of thousands of bunches/sec
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 6 QuantityValue electron energy10.5/14/17.5 GeV macro pulse repetition rate10 Hz RF pulse length (flat top) 600 s bunch repetition frequency within pulse4.5 MHz bunch charge0.02 – 1 nC electron bunch length after compression (FWHM)2 – 180 fs Slice emittance mm mrad beam power500 kW # of modules (containing eight 9-cell superconducting 1.3 GHz cavities) 101 accelerating gradient for 17.5 GeV23.6 MV/m # of 10 MW multi-beam klystrons27 average klystron power (for 0.03 mA beam current at 17.5 GeV) 5.2 MW photon wavelength0.05 – 4 nm XFEL
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 7 XFEL E 4 = 17.5 GeV BC0 BC1 BC2
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 8 Dark current issues > Dark current produced from the RF-gun or cathode Losses before first module yield x-ray radiation causing damages on electronic devices If accelerated by first 1.3 GHz module, the following 3.9 GHz module can “act as collimator” Severe increase of cry-load which can even prevent from operation If further transported to bunch compressors High activation of beam line components Damages on electronic devices If further transported High activation of collimators Losses in undulator section can harm permanent magnetic field quality Activated components are a personal safety issue!
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 9 Standard actions to minimize FE > All vacuum components hydrocarbon free > 100 % check by means of RGA
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 10 Standard actions to minimize FE > Preparation in clean room class 100 > Machine installations in local clean rooms
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 11 Standard actions to minimize FE > Clean room assembly places
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 12 Standard actions to minimize FE > Even if all parts are prepared and mounted particle free there will always be particles inside the cold and warm vacuum! > For abs. pressure p > 1 mbar and differential pressure Δp > 1 mbar (e.g. opening of valves, start pumping) => movement of particles observed > For abs. pressure p no movement of particles observed > Automatic pumping / venting unit Constant flow of 3 l/s of nitrogen or argon, by means of mass flow controllers. Venting to 1100 mbar, to ensure always to have a small over pressure (known conditions).
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 13 Standard actions to minimize FE > Slow venting and pumping recipient Pump cart
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 14 Attempts to reduce dark current transport > FLASH RF-gun section RF-gun dc-kicker dc-collimator
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 15 Attempts to reduce dark current transport – dc collimator > “simple” pin-hole (8 mm diameter) right in front of first superconducting module FLASH Possible upgrade for XFEL and FLASH Currently no operation w/o usage of collimator possible!
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 16 Attempts to reduce dark current transport – dc kicker > Dark current kicker
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 17 > Dark current images on 3GUN screen (Ce:YAG screen with FC) > Dc kicker smears the dark current distribution out > Kicked dark current is buried in the dc collimator Attempts to reduce dark current transport – dc kicker Kicker ON Kicker OFF collimator
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 18 Attempts to reduce dark current transport – dc kicker > … but it can also make things worse in terms of steering dark current trough the dc collimator: dc kicker ON dc kicker OFF TD spectrum of dark current measured after 2 nd bunch compressor
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 19 Attempts to reduce dark current transport for XFEL > Increased dc kicker length from 200 mm to 300 mm > Increased distance between kicker and collimator increases efficiency of the dc kicker > Probably different dc collimator than FLASH > Continuous monitoring of dark current from RF-gun by means of dark current monitor right in front the first accelerating module > Cold collimator between first 1.3 GHz accelerating module and 3.9 GHz module
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 20 > Additional final cleaning technique for particles + film contaminations > Mechanical, thermal + chemical cleaning forces > Local, dry, without residues > Successfully applied to 1-3-cell Nb cavities, but transfer to 9-cell cavities still missing > Routinely applied to copper gun cavities at 1.3 GHz GHz (“REGAE”) and their power couplers CO 2 (dry ice) cleaning
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 21 CO 2 (dry ice) cleaning
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 22 Cathode handling > Mechanical polishing to mirror finish followed by cleaning in ultrasonic bath > Achieved surface roughness in the order of 20 – 30 nm Ra > Quality checks Optical inspection by eye – incredibly good for scratches Reflectivity measurements Non-destructive roughness measurements by 3d laser scanning microscope
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 23 Cathode handling > All cathode handling in clean room class 100 > All parts (except cathodes) to be installed in the system are cleaned in the clean room for machine vacuum system > Check by particle counter and blowing by dry ionized air
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 24 Cathode handling > Result of wrong handling (missed blowing by nitrogen of #97, #71 and #54) Unusable cathodes
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 25 Cathode handling > Load-lock-system is a major source of particles Cathodes are moved through rail system Cathodes are moved through opened valves Cathodes are inserted into and removed from carrier > Insertion into and removal from RF-gun is a particle source too
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 26 Cathode handling > Continuous development of cathode carries > Old design: CuBe2 “sliding” blocks have drawback, that each time they get in contact with rail system, one has friction of clean planar surfaces
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 27 Cathode handling > Newest carrier design Aim to have only ball bearings in contact with rail system
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 28 Cathode handling SAFEM (Scanning Anode Field Emission Microscope) > 3d anode movement > Field up to 200 MV/m > Mechanical conditions for cathodes as in RF-gun > Should serve as QA for cathodes in future.
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 29 Conclusions > Field emission of RF-gun and cathodes is a severe issue may stop operation of FLASH and XFEL > Attempts to reduce dark current transport Dc collimator Dc kicker CO 2 (dry ice) cleaning > Cathode handling is always an issue. Currently we are far away from being particle free.
Sven Lederer| Photo injector dark current at FLASH and efforts for mitigation of dark current at FLASH and XFEL| Dec 18th, 2012 | Page 30 Thanks to all colleagues for their support and transparencies! THE END!