Quickwrite: What does success mean to you?
What Is Success? Success means different things to different people. Success is setting and accomplishing your goals. Success takes planning and a strong desire. Success is taking action. Success means reaching your goals even when the going gets tough.
1. Drive to Los Angeles without a roadmap? 2. Make a holiday dinner without recipes? Goals are your roadmap or recipe for a successful education and life! Would You...
Ask these four key questions: Why do I want it? Define the desire or challenge facing you. What do I want? Write down the goal you want to achieve. How will I get it? Your specific step-by-step action plan to reach your goal. When do I want it? The completion date to reach your goal.
Goal Guidelines State in positive terms. Make sure that goals are measurable. Write down your goal, action steps, and target date. Read your goals every day. +
Examples of Goals Instead of… Write… Don’t fail any classes Earn Honor Roll for this grading period No more tardiesArrive early or on time for each class
Action Plan Guidelines Tell HOW you are going to reach your goals. Use clear and specific words. Include at least 2 or 3 steps or strategies.
Examples of Action Plans Instead of… Write… Study more! 1.Write all assignments in my planner. 2.Study at least 20 minutes a day. Don’t be late! 1.Go to my locker in the morning, lunch, and after school. 2.Save socialization for lunch time.
Get Started Make education your TOP priority. Ask friends and teacher to help you with your goals. Don’t forget to help your friends with their goals.
Sample! Challenge: I am not doing well in this class because I have not given it my full attention. Goal: I will put more effort into this course. Action Steps: 1. I will listen better in class. 2. I will take more notes. 3. I will ask the teacher for help. 4. I will hand all of my homework in ON TIME. Target Date (make it a specific date) : Review my progress in 10 days (make it a specific date).
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, said: “My recipe for success is hard work, patience, honesty, and total commitment.” Reflect on this quote, and then summarize your learning by writing your own recipe for success!