1998 NSF Information and Data Management Workshop Research Agenda for the 21st Century
Information Representation and Visualization FOCUS OF THE GROUP: Research to facilitate the development of user-centric models and systems to enable the interactive creation, exploration and manipulation of multi-modal information.
Information Representation and Visualization RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Collaborative evaluation of modes of interaction. 2. Development of evaluation models and strengthening the designer-user and the user-user interaction 3. Exploitation of spatial metaphors for interaction with non-spatial information. 4. The use of metadata and ontologies for effective retrieval.
Information Representation and Visualization RECOMMENDATIONS: 5. Support for rapid construction of visualizations by non-experts. 6. Further support of underlying science and technology issues, including speech understanding, image understanding and similarity evaluation, and quality of service. 7. Spatial and temporal integration of data of various scales and resolutions. 8. Scalability of access mechanisms and summarization of results.
Information Representation and Visualization Interdisciplinary Applications What can we bring to this: not domain expertise - organization integration
Information Representation and Visualization Interdisciplinary Workshops - to educate and be educated - to establish contacts for future collaborative projects - special sessions at conferences of other disciplines
Information Representation and Visualization Wired Doctors Human body. Medical record systems. Video clips of angiograms, ultrasound probes etc Central problem of security and guarantee that data refers to correct patient. Use a physical swipe card attached to patient??? Visual tools to aid medical decision methods
Information Representation and Visualization Digital Village Communities providing public access to local information - visualization of neighborhoods - superposition of community statistics - local navigation; tourist attractions - integrating the digital village into the digital world
Information Representation and Visualization Investigation of visual metaphors for the distributed workspace environment: iconic desktops; virtual reality environments; mixed metaphor environments; the challenge of new communication and data collection devices - mobile environment Multi-media queries: “Find me the restaurants that are open after 11pm - that are in safe areas and look nice!”
Information Representation and Visualization Visual integration across database systems Developing theories for describing metadata Multi-resolution visualization; scaleable visual queries Similarity measures for domain specific applications Hierarchical arrangement of visual and non-visual information, visualization and summarizing: overviews