Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change SBSTA in-session workshop on Scientific,


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change SBSTA in-session workshop on Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change EU Presentation Andy Deacon Defra UK

What should be the broad objective of the 5WP? The 5WP should: Be relevant for all Parties and should assist all Parties to identify and assess regional and local impacts, vulnerabilities and risks, associated with different levels of climate change. Raise awareness about risks from climate variability and climate change and Contribute to Parties' understanding of what could constitute dangerous interference with the climate system for them. Be useful to Parties in facilitating integration of adaptation and climate risks challenges into national/regional (development) planning processes.

What should be the scope of the 5WP? The 5WP should: Maximize synergies by supporting the work conducted under other agenda items or areas covered under other UN processes including IPCC but avoid duplication. Promote linkages to and understanding of mitigation issues including stabilization requirements to protect vulnerable regions and Parties. Be consistent with the mandate of the SBSTA.

How should the 5WP be structured? The following elements in the process could facilitate the delivery of policy relevant products: 1.taking stock of how far Parties have come in identifying and assessing climate change impacts, risks, vulnerabilities and adaptation, including lessons learned as well as sharing of experiences with other stakeholders; 2.identification of problems, needs and opportunities in advancing impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessment; 3.identification of existing institutional mechanisms/delivery agents for the implementation of adaptation; 4.Specification of products from the 5WP.

What should be the major milestones and outcomes of the 5WP? Facilitate the Assessment of impacts, vulnerabilities and risks, regionally and locally for different levels of climate change in relevant sectors. Disseminate key policy messages and advice to existing processes and institutions on climate risks. Improved understanding by Parties of what constitutes dangerous climate change for them. Identification of key gaps in knowledge.

What should be the initial specific activities of the 5WP? Taking stock of available methodologies, data and modelling technologies. Compiling and analysing information on available vulnerability and regional and local impacts assessments associated with different climate change scenarios. Identifying analytical tools available to develop adaptation options. Identifying analytical tools that could allow e.g. identification of synergies across policy areas, assessment of limits to adaptation in safeguarding sustainable development.

How should the 5WP be reviewed and further developed? Review the 5WP after publication of the IPCC 4 th Assessment Report in 2007.