THESEUS in S. Devon - Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate Dr Dave Simmonds, Coastal Engineering Research Group.


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Presentation transcript:

THESEUS in S. Devon - Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate Dr Dave Simmonds, Coastal Engineering Research Group.

Outline: 1.Project aims 2.What is UoP / GB involvement? 3.Activity in S. Devon study site Meeting label, Place, date

– FP7 - Large Integrated Project – 48 months – Started 01/12/2009 – 31 partners from 18 countries – Lead: Barbara Zanuttigh, Università di Bologna (Italy) – THESEUS at a glance

THESEUS team members (31 partners)

“deliver a safe (or low-risk) coast for human use/development and healthy coastal habitats as sea levels rise and climate changes and the European economy continues to grow” Aim

THESEUS baselines

Novelty? 1.S-P-R-C 2.Linkage: engineering – ecology – socio-economics 3.Decision Support Software

THESEUS workpackages Time slices: 2020, 2050, 2080

Study sites Vistula delta plain Elbe Estuary Scheldt Estuary Plymouth Sound to Exe estuary Varna spit Po delta and adjoining coast Gironde Santander Spit

– THESEUS software for defence planning strategies – THESEUS guidelines – Dissemination of results: risk communication implementation of EU Flood directive THESEUS products

Decision Support System THESEUS kick-off meeting, Venice, December 9-11, 2009

GB Site Team Richard Thompson Edmund Penning Rowsell Rob Nichols Dominic Reeve Simon Hoggart Raul Gonzalez Dave Simmonds Andrew Fox Shunqi Pan

Study site : Teign Estuary

SPRC methodology

Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate Offshore total sea level (TSL) River discharge TSL+velocity node Offshore wave climate source Coastal wave climate node Beach Boundary element Wave climate link Level+velocity link

Overtopping inside estuary Receptor Fetch (km) Wave height (m) Wave Period (s) Crest Level (m) Asset Length (m) Overtopping volume (m 3 ) 1:201:1001:2001:1000 R N/A R R R N/A R N/A R N/A R N/A R N/A R Mid-term conditions ( )

Flood maps (present conditions – RP 1/200)

Flood maps (mid-term conditions – RP 1/200)

Flood maps (long-term conditions – RP 1/200)

Habitat Map

Habitat Teign Estuary Sections A, B and C represent different hypothetical habitat types. Scenario 1 shows no change in area for each habitat type under an elevated sea level. Scenario 2 shows that the area for all habitat types is reduced under an elevated sea level. Scenario 3 shows that the area of habitat type C is increased under elevated an elevated sea level. Interaction between sea level rise and topography and the potential implications for habitat types.

Ecological enhancement Shaldon flood defence scheme

Socioeconomic Consequences Railway Area Mid-term conditions ( ) Crest Level : 4.94 mOD Toe Level: 1.01 mOD Asset Length: m Return Period # of cases EWL + surge (m) Wave height (m) Freeboard (m) Overtopping volume (m 3 )

– Thank you for listening THESEUS kick-off meeting, Venice, December 9-11, 2009