Target Demographics How the media appeals to specific audiences
Definition: Demographic
Definition: the characteristics such as age, sex, and income of a specific group of people Demographic
Definition:What does this mean to you? the characteristics such as age, sex, and income of a specific group of people Demographic
Definition:What does this mean to you? the characteristics such as age, sex, and income of a specific group of people Example Sentence: Males and females are two different types of demographics. Demographic
Definition:What does this mean to you? the characteristics such as age, sex, and income of a specific group of people Example Sentence:Your own sentence: Males and females are two different types of demographics. Demographic
Target Demographics Why is this important to me? – The media (tv, magazines, movies, radio, internet) targets specific types of people, depending on its purpose. – The media also uses specific strategies to target these different types of people.
Target Demographics Why is this important to me? – It’s our job to understand when the media is targeting us. – It’s also our job to not be persuaded by the strategies used by the media.
Target Demographics Think/Write/Pair/Share – What do you already know about the media? – Is the media good, bad, ugly, or all 3? – Are people easily persuaded by the media? – Write your opinion of the media and explain a specific reason for why you feel that way.
Target Demographics Think/Write/Pair/Share – What do you already know about the media? – Is the media good, bad, ugly, or all 3? – Are people easily persuaded by the media? – Write your opinion of the media and explain a specific reason for why you feel that way.
Target Demographics Media – It’s not good, it’s not bad... – but it can sometimes be ugly. – It all depends on how it is used...
Target Demographics Media – Let’s think: – What is the media? Definition: a way to communicate to LARGE number of people
Target Demographics Media – How is this done? Through: – TV- Magazines – Radio- Newspapers – Internet- Movies
Target Demographics Media – What is the media’s purpose? To influence the way you think ! ! !
Target Demographics Media – In the world of media, not one size fits all. – So, the media is VERY GOOD at targeting different demographics.
Target Demographics Media – The media uses specific images and words to influence people of specific: age- interests race - socioeconomic status (how much money someone has) gender
Target Demographics Media – STOP ! ! ! – Uses specific words and images??? – Where have I heard that before???
Target Demographics Media – Targeting specific demographics means: appealing to different people in different ways
Target Demographics Media – Example: Adults aren’t persuaded the same way as teens are What demographic is this addressing?
Target Demographics Media – Example: Men aren’t persuaded the same way as women What demographic is this addressing?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Target Demographics Who is this ad targeting?
Definition: Socio- economic
Definition: A combination of social and economic factors Socio- economic
Definition:What does this mean to you? A combination of social and economic factors Socio- economic
Definition:What does this mean to you? A combination of social and economic factors Example Sentence:What are the different levels? A person living in poverty and a person who is rich have different socioeconomic backgrounds. Socio- economic
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My knees are tomboys. They get bruised and cut every time I play soccer. I’m proud of them and wear my dresses short. My mother worries I will never marry with knees like that. But I know there’s someone out there who will say to me: I love you and I love your knees. I want the four of us to grow old together.