Picture a flying bat…
The bat could fly to the right…
The bat could fly to the left…
The bat could chase after a moth…
The bat could hang from a branch…
The bat could fly inside the cave…
The bat could fly over the water…
The bat could fly through the clouds…
The bat could turn into a batcow…
Prepositions connect nouns or pronouns to some other piece of a sentence.
How about... prepositions show the relative position of one object to another.
Object one: the bat Object two: the moth
The bat could chase after a moth…
Prepositions more or less refer to location.
at, off, between, among, over, beside, near, onto, out, past, toward, with, within, behind, across…
Some prepositions enable you to express the relative time when events took place.
before, after, during, since, until…
There are about 150 prepositions in English.
Here are 70 of the most common:
aboard about above across after against along amid among anti around as at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by concerning considering despite down during except excepting excluding following for from in inside into like minus near of off on onto opposite outside over past per plus regarding round save since than through to toward towards under underneath unlike until up upon versus via with within without
At a concert, the seats near the stage cost more, and those in the back cost less.
Movies with big-name stars in them may sell out quickly.
New fashion designs in silk and linen were featured in the show.
Many students in the classroom were sniffling in an annoying manner.
Tony’s talent in chess and weight lifting prove his mental and physical strength.
Tony’s talent in chess and weight lifting proves his mental and physical strength.
The head of every large animal with a backbone, from the largest elephants to the smallest mice, contain a skull.
The head of every large animal with a backbone, from the largest elephants to the smallest mice, contains a skull.