ACCSYS Design Reviews J. G. Weisend II Deputy Head of Accelerator Projects
Introduction Design reviews are meant to add value in a collaborative nature – they are NOT meant to be fault finding exercises 2016 represents the peak in design reviews for ACCSYS Currently 54 are planned of which 7 have been held to date By the end of the year, almost almost all major equipment will under procurement and manufacture ACCSYS design reviews follow our Governance Document (ESS ) and are consistent with ESS System Engineering Each review has a charge, a committee and results in a final report Charges vary by component (one size doesn’t fit all) but the overall question in all reviews remains the same “Will the design as presented meet the agreed upon and understood requirements” April 2016J.G. Weisend II2
Introduction The committee consists of a Chair, External Technical Experts (if required), Internal Technical Experts, a Safety Representative and a Quality Representative. Depending on the component, ICS may have a member on the committee – The committee is solely responsible for the final report In addition, at each review there are “reviewers” which include the WP Leader, subject matter experts in applicable fields ( i.e. vacuum or cooling) and integration staff. The reviewers attend, ask questions and raise issues but do not have to stand by the report. The outcome of the review is advisory to the ACCSYS and ESS management and In Kind Partners. April 2016J.G. Weisend II3
Organization All reviews are listed on a Wikipage Reviews dates are updated in P6 Wikipage provides links to charge, presentations and final report (CHESS document) Review recommendations are collected on a JIRA board and assigned for follow up (under construction) April 2016J.G. Weisend II4
View of Review Page April 2016J.G. Weisend II5
Additional Reviews In addition to PDRs and CDRs, We expect to also hold: 1.Test Readiness Reviews (TRRs) – when appropriate, mainly for large systems 2.System Acceptances Reviews (SARs) – Generally held after Site Acceptance Tests; confirms results of the tests and ensures all required documentation and deliverables are present. This review in many case will mark the formal handover of the equipment to ESS. The SARs should be a very short process. April 2016J.G. Weisend II6
Where are we now in terms of Design Maturity? April 2016J.G. Weisend II7
Where do we expect to be in December 2016? April 2016J.G. Weisend II8
Summary Design reviews are an important aspect of a successful project At ESS, the design reviews are used in a collaborative spirit to add value and ensure success. They are not meant to be “fault finding” A well defined process has been developed for planning, holding and documenting design reviews One size does not fit all and review goals and plans are adjusted to maximize the value added and minimize the schedule impact 2016 will be the peak year for design reviews at ACCSYS Many large systems (ISRC, RFQ, DTL, ACCP) are already in final procurement & production The majority of ACCSYS systems will be in final production by the end of 2016 April 2016J.G. Weisend II9