Math message Find page 90 in your student workbook. Solve problems 1 and 2 for the math message. Share the strategies you used to complete the addition and subtraction problems with a partner.
Workbooks page 90 and 91 What do you know about savings accounts? Read the introduction on “Keeping a bank balance” on page 90. Then examine the table on page 91. What purpose does a savings account have? In your ISN – define the following terms: deposit, withdrawal, balance, interest.
vocabulary Money is put into (deposited into) the account. It can be taken out (withdrawn from) the account. The bank holds onto the money (balance) in the account and keeps track of it. At regular intervals the bank adds money to the account (interest) to pay for the use of the money. The amount of interest earned depends on the amount of money in the account – the greater the balance, the more interest earned.
Page 91 As a class, solve problems 3 and 4 on page 91 using mental arithmetic. When you are done, discuss how you came up with a solution to problem 3. Our monetary system uses place value. An amount like can be thought of as 2 ten dollar bills, 7 one dollar bills, 9 dimes and 1 penny. If $1 is the ONE, then a ten- dollar bill is ten dollars, a dime is one-tenth of a dollar, and a penny is one-hundredth of a dollar.
With a partner With a partner, compete the rest of the page 91. Your teacher will model the first few transactions. Then you will complete the rest with your partner.
Page 91 DateTransaction typeTransaction amtCurrent balance January 2Deposit$100 January 14Deposit$ February 4Withdrawal February 11Deposit = – = =
Math boxes Complete math boxes 4.6 – on page 92 independently. In your ISN – for problem 3, how many grams heavier is the Trumpeter swan than the Manchurian crane? Explain what you did to find your answer.
Homework Page 123 is the homework – Rising Grocery Prices Solve addition and subtraction problems that involve grocery prices from the year 2000 and predicted prices for the year Compare prices, compute change, and find total costs.
Enrichment Solve “Goodie Bag” problems Page 124. Apply your understanding of decimal computations kills by solving problems involving the contents and cost of goodie bags.