My View of Life Sketch and Wash Pencil portraits
Assignment 2: Create a self portrait of your unique view of the world. Your portrait MUST include either your hand(s) or feet in the image. Draw and shade the portrait using the Sketch and Wash pencil (provided) and regular pencils. No color is to be added to the portrait. Use a full range of value (1-6 scale) Assignment 1: Complete the technique sheet and shade two of the 4 images to practice with the sketch and wash pencils. Worth 30 points.
Name ________________________________Sketch and Wash technique sheet Value scale dry – use your pencil to go from very light to blackest you can get. Try for equal steps between. Value scale wet – use your pencil and a wet paintbrush to go from very light to blackest you can get. Try for equal steps between. Shade the ball to make it look spherical. Use wet and dry techniques. Wet paper slightly and scrape lead into box. Using your reservoir of color, paint a graduated scale in here. Create a “reservoir” of color here. Light source **Choose 2 of the following images to shade using your sketch and wash pencil. Reference for sphere