Phase III of the National Agreement Guaranteed PPA Time Headteacher’s Presentation Pack © 2004 National Remodelling Team
– 2 – Raising Standards and Tackling Workload: a national agreement – Time for Standards September 2003:Administrative and clerical work – the “24 tasks” Work/life balance Leadership and management time September 2004:Limit on cover for absent teachers (initially 38 hours/year) September 2005:10% guaranteed time for Planning, Preparation and Assessment Dedicated headship time End to routine invigilation of external examinations by teachers Implementation of the National Agreement is being overseen by WAMG – the Workforce Agreement Monitoring Group – consisting of representatives of all the signatories The Milestones
– 3 – Schools are already experiencing significant benefits from guaranteed PPA time “Pupils are experiencing a greater diversity of teaching and learning” “Our curriculum has been enriched by outside specialists” “With PPA time I will get a life next year” ”PPA time is seen as a really positive move forwards that will impact the quality of teaching” “If teachers are well motivated with time to plan, this has a positive effect on pupils’ learning and behaviour” “PPA time drastically reduced staff sickness absences” “I know I have taught better and got very good SATs and GCSE results as a result of PPA time” * Source: remodelling schools and PPA pilot schools
– 4 – What do the regulations say about PPA? Who What When How All teachers with timetabled teaching commitments From 1 September 2005 Minimum 10% timetabled teaching time Minimum 30 minute blocks in timetabled teaching time “… all teachers at a school (including headteachers) with timetabled teaching commitments, whether employed on permanent, fixed term, temporary or part time contracts.” School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) 2003 Section 4.85 “a teacher who is timetabled to teach 20 hours out of a 25 hour teaching week must receive at least 2 hours guaranteed PPA time” STPCD Section 4.93 “with effect from 1 September 2005” STPCD 2003 Section 4.85 “[PPA time] should take place during the school timetable (i.e. during the time in which pupils are taught at the school) and must not be bolted on before or after pupil sessions. In order for the time to be put to meaningful use by the teacher, it must be allocated in blocks of no less than 30 minutes.” STPCD Section 4.88
– 5 – When can guaranteed PPA time be allocated? Session Assembly and Registration LessonsBreakLunchLessons TimetabledTeachingTime An example of a school day School PPA time can only be allocated during timetabled teaching time Can’tuseFor PPA
– 6 – PPA - whose time is it anyway? It is to be used for Planning Preparation Assessment! Not cover It is for the teacher to determine how the time is used “the time must not be encroached upon, including by any obligation to cover for absent colleagues.” STPCD Section 4.89 “it is for the teacher to determine the particular PPA priorities for each block of guaranteed PPA time, although that does not preclude them from choosing to use some of that time to support collaborative activities.” STPCD Section 4.89
– 7 – This provides opportunities to carry out: —an analysis of the current use of non contact time —an evaluation of task allocation This provides opportunities to carry out: —an analysis of the strengths of your school and the areas you would like to improve in terms of both the curriculum content and your childrens’ learning —an analysis of all the present skills of your staff —an analysis of community opportunities and resources Two stages for delivering PPA time in [ ] school First Stage evaluating the current use of existing non-contact time and its potential to release PPA time Second Stage considering timetabling possible additional resources to release PPA time
– 8 – We will assess possible actions for existing non- contact time within the timetabled teaching day Possible Actions Non teaching uses of timetabled time DiscardReallocate DiscardMoveReallocate Ringfence Planning and lesson preparation tasks Clerical or administrative tasks Other e.g. external meetings, pastoral, organisational tasks etc
– 9 – Alternative staff can take the class providing the following conditions are met They deliver specified work The class has an assigned teacher It is within timetabled time It is scheduled into the school timetable To maintain the quality of teaching and learning they must deliver specified work to a standard that satisfies the head +++ If delivering specified work, the class must be assigned a teacher —the teacher does not have to be physically present at the time of the lesson The lesson must take place within timetabled teaching time The lesson and alternative member of staff must be scheduled into the school timetable “This time must appear on the teacher’s timetable.” STPCD 2003 Section 4.93 “It should take place during the school timetable.” STPCD 2003 Section 4.88 “Accountability for the overall learning outcomes of a particular pupil will rest with that pupil’s qualified classroom/ subject teacher.” Section 133 Regulations “the headteacher must be satisfied that the support staff member has the skills, expertise and experience required to carry out the specified work” Section 133 Regulations
– 10 – Who can undertake “specified work”? Who Qualified Teachers Teachers without QTS Support staff E.g. trainee teachers, instructors, and overseas trained teachers Support staff range from teaching assistants, nursery nurses, librarians and other staff such as technical support staff; also external contributors such as business persons or members of the emergency services Providing that they are registered with the General Teaching Council
– 11 – Possible additional resources that can be used to create PPA time Member of Leadership Team Could take larger group if beneficial for curriculum implementation Could be supported by HLTA/TA or specialist Timetabled delivery of specified work Teacher released from cover or other tasks The Deputy Head takes a whole year group for a lesson that includes external speakers Timetabled delivery of specified work Other Teacher Could take larger group if beneficial for curriculum implementation. Could be supported by HLTA/TA or specialist Teacher released from cover or other tasks Part-time Floating External Shared with other school(s) Three small primaries co- employ a teacher to take six hrs lessons/week at each school ActivityOptions Specialist staff Could be supported by other TA or specialist Variations Works with one or more class teachers and takes some classes TA/HLTA Employment type Full-time/Part-time Shared with other school(s) TA/HLTA, in conjunction with a teacher, prepares curriculum content to be delivered by the TA/HLTA Example Could take larger group if beneficial for curriculum implementation. Could be supported by HLTA/TA Full-time/Part-time Floating Internal/External Shared with other school(s) Instructing/ coaching for specialist activities eg sports, music, art, drama A range of specialists take an afternoon in which children select from sporting, musical, art or drama-related activities
– 12 – Financial planning Value for money Maximise teaching and learning Timetabling additional resource Maximising existing teaching resources Financial Planning Any budgetary implications must feed into a school’s financial planning
– 13 – The next steps Next steps