Academic Support: the student perspective Kate Little Senior Project Officer National Union of Students
Defining academic support I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies I have been able to contact staff when I needed to Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices But what does this mean? National Student Survey
Relationships are key Academic staff: Available Helpful Sympathetic Professional staff: Helpful Considerate Flexible National Survey of Student Engagement “The most powerful narratives related to examples where students were supported by personal tutors throughout their time at university, emphasising the importance of continuity of support” HEA (2012) Reward and Recognition: Student Led Teaching Awards Report
What is good academic support? Approachable Empathetic ProactiveMotivating Personal tutor Reward and recognition Training and support Joined up services Progression monitoring Institutional commitment
Previous NUS work
Benchmarking tool PrinciplesPractice
Using the tool Designed for use by staff and students – reflect in partnership and discuss potential enhancements Applicable at course, department or institution level and in different types of institution Focused on the experience of the student – the what but not the how – allows for flexibility and innovation in delivery Not prescriptive – disagreement is OK! Adapt it and make it work for you
Principles of quality academic support 1. Personalised academic and pastoral support for all students 2. A joined-up approach to academic support 3. Coherent institutional policies applied consistently 4. Staff support, reward and recognition 5. Regular, structured interactions based on mutual expectations 6. Trust, respect, and an effective working relationship 7. Proactive monitoring of student progression 8. Learning to learn effectively 9. Collaborative learning and peer support 10. Clear, accessible, up to date information
1. Personalised academic and pastoral support for all students The principle that all students have access to high quality academic and pastoral support, tailored to their level and location of study, particularly at points of transition incorporates PGT, PGR, placements
2. A joined-up approach to academic support The principle that all support services and staff work together to ensure a holistic experience for the student includes referring to SU QAA Quality Code stresses “the importance of integration, coherence and internal cooperation between different areas as part of a provider's commitment to enabling students to achieve their learning objectives and to develop more broadly as a result of the opportunities offered by higher education”. QAA (2013) UK Quality Code Chapter B4
3. Coherent institutional policies applied consistently The principle that coherent institution-wide policies should be consistently implemented across schools and departments, allowing for the flexibility of innovation, enhancement and review in partnership with students
4. Staff support, reward and recognition The principle that staff offering academic support to students should be fully supported, trained and developed by the institution, and rewarded and recognised for their contribution
5. Regular, structured interactions based on mutual expectations The principle that staff and students will establish mutual expectations regarding the frequency of contact, but that interactions with academic support staff will be regular and structured.
6. Trust, respect, and an effective working relationship The principle that academic support staff and students will strive to develop an effective working relationship based on mutual trust and respect
7. Proactive monitoring of student progression The principle that students’ progress will be monitored throughout their programme, and that academic support staff will proactively provide advice and guidance to help students’ development towards their chosen goals Includes academic progression, study choices and employability
8. Learning to learn effectively The principle that academic support should enable students to learn to learn effectively through gaining an understanding of what critical engagement with knowledge looks like in a disciplinary context includes learning to learn, metacognition, development of academic skills
9. Collaborative learning and peer support The principle that all students should have access to formal or informal peer support and collaborative learning
10. Clear, accessible, up to date information The principle that all students and support staff should receive clear, accessible, up to date information about academic support provision at appropriate times and in an appropriate format
Table discussion 1.What do you think of the ten principles? Is anything missing? Would you change anything? And then on your tables: Choose one of the ten principles. What does “outstanding” look like in a 21 st century university or college?
References and resources NUS Charter on Personal Tutors archived/learning-and-teaching-hub/personaltutors/ NUS Charter on Academic Support archived/learning-and-teaching-hub/academicsupport/ QAA (2013) UK Quality Code Chapter B4 code-B4.pdf HEA (2012) Reward and Recognition: Student Led Teaching Awards Report Reward-Recognition-SLTA-Report.pdf