Beyond Outsourcing Advance Palestine Through Innovation November 28, 2011
Does not replace but complements OPICTOUS Startup with strong credential in Identity Management Headquartered in the Washington DC area Research and development office in Bethlehem Palestine Tools and products that were developed in Palestine Zeva.SecTool: Bulk Encryption and Decryption GroupLocker: Automate Active Directory Group Memberships CertDeploy: Simplify Digital Certificate Deployment TrusteeShare: Bring SharePoint To iPad OutLocate: Classification Tool to Automate E-Discovery Future plans in Palestine Expand our local presence to Ramallah Partnerships with local Palestinian IT companies Page 2 Who are we?
Integrated Team Now: our R&D office in Bethlehem Future: Build Tiger teams with specialized skills Investment in Innovation Now: our R&D office in Bethlehem Future: Partnership with local Palestinian startups Investment in Education Now: Commitment to hire 1-2 graduates per year Future: Formalize internship programs with local Universities Investment in Society Now: “The Andoni Young Arab Science and Technology Award” Future: Zeva Foundation Page 3 Our Business Model for Palestine
Page 4 Top 3 IT Market Opportunities for Palestine Mobile Devices Entering Business Space Now: Mobile devices are replacing laptops Future: Make them business ready Applications for the Cloud Now: Companies are moving to the Cloud Future: Cloud ready applications Mandates, Compliance, & Conflicts Example: Data protection vs. eDiscovery
Tiger Teams This is not a hire but partnership model Group of highly skills specialized teams that will travel as needed Part of the training is local implementation Require commitment from large companies and Universities We will start with Identity Integration, Digital Certificate, and Federation Partnership around Mobile Computing Enhance and extend TrusteeShare Expand CertDeploy for mobile devices Others Partnership around Cloud Computing Develop Cloud ready application such as Sales Page 5 Plans for Partnerships
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