Reporting obligations for the UNFCCC, the Kyoto protocol, and the EU Decision 529 Simone Rossi, Marco Bertaglia, Wim Devos, Roland Hiederer Joint Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting obligations for the UNFCCC, the Kyoto protocol, and the EU Decision 529 Simone Rossi, Marco Bertaglia, Wim Devos, Roland Hiederer Joint Research Centre Expert meeting on LPIS and LULUCF Ispra, 22 September 2015

Outline 1.The context: the international climate treaties 2.Obligations for the parties 3.The European context and the Decision 529

A changing climate From IPCC 5 th Assessment Report

The root causes From IPCC 5 th Assessment Report

The root causes From IPCC 5 th Assessment Report

Climate: international treaties United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Adopted during the “Rio Earth Summit” in 1992, effective from 1994 “Almost universal” adhesion: 196 “parties”, including the EU. Key points: The problem is recognized. A specific although not binding goal is set. “Common but differentiated responsibilities” among Developed Countries (“Annex I”) and Developing Countries (“Non Annex I”). Cooperation and funds established for the sustainable development of Developing Countries. Differentiated reporting obligations (emissions and measures taken).

Climate: international treaties The Kyoto Protocol (KP) Adopted during the COP3 in Kyoto (1997). Operational since Signed by 83 countries. Ratified by 192 parties. USA and Canada missing. Two “Commitment periods”: CP1( ), CP2 ( ). Key points: Legally binding commitments and reduction goals for Annex I countries (with review process). Flexibility mechanisms: national and international Emissions Trading schemes.

UNFCCCKYOTO PROTOCOL ReportingAccounting Agri culture CH 4 and N 2 O from agricultural soils, livestock, and manure. LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry) Emissions from 6 land uses Emissions only from human activities FL CL GL WL S O D Voluntary AR FM CM GM RV WM Reporting e accounting obligation - Annex I countries Forest Land Cropland (CO 2 ) Grassland (CO 2 ) Wetland Settlement Other Land Aff/Reforest.Deforest. Forest Management Cropland mgmt. (CO 2 ) Grazing land mgmt. (CO 2 ) Wetland Revegetation Compulsory

Reporting e accounting Annex I countries National Communications (NC) - reports on national GHG emissions, climate-related policies and measures, GHG projections, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, financial assistance and technology transfer to non-Annex I Parties, and actions on raising public awareness on climate change. Submitted periodically, following decisions by the Conference Of Parties (COP), indicatively every 4–5 years. National Inventory Reports (NIR) – contains the inventory results with a comprehensive description of the methodologies used, the data sources, and quality assurance and control procedures. Reviewed annually by Expert Review Teams (ERT) following agreed review guidelines. Submitted yearly in common reporting format (CRF) tables.

EU additional requirements Decision 529/2013/EU (the “LULUCF Decision”) Approved on 21 May 2013 It’s a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council. Theme: “accounting rules on greenhouse gas emissions and removals resulting from activities relating to land use, land-use change and forestry and on information concerning actions relating to those activities” Goal: to “provide for accounting rules applicable on a mandatory basis to the activities of afforestation, reforestation, deforestation and forest management, as well as to the activities of grazing land management and cropland management, subject to specific provisions with a view to improving Member States’ reporting and accounting systems during the first accounting period.”.

EU additional requirements Decision 529/2013/EU (the “LULUCF Decision”) – reporting obligations From 2016 to 2018 (yearly by 15 March): report on Methodologies in place and under development How these methodologies are in line with IPCC and with reporting requirements as established by UNFCCC (Article 3(2) (a)); Until 1 st January 2022 (yearly by 15 March) report on Annual preliminary and not binding estimations on emissions and removals from CM and GM following the IPCC methodology (at least Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 preferable) (Article 3(2) (b)) Not later than 15 March 2022: final annual estimations for CM e GM (Article 3(2) (c)), with possible derogations for countries in particular situations (Article 3(2d)).

UNFCCCKYOTO PROTOCOL ReportingAccounting Agri culture CH 4 and N 2 O from agricultural soils, livestock, and manure. LULUCF Emissions from 6 land uses Emissions only from human activities FL CL GL WL S O D Voluntary AR FM CM GM RV WM Compulsory for EU under the Decision 529/2013 (“LULUCF Decision”) Reporting e accounting Annex I countries Forest Land Cropland (CO 2 ) Grassland (CO 2 ) Wetland Settlement Other Land Aff/Reforest.Deforest. Forest Management Cropland mgmt. (CO 2 ) Grazing land mgmt. (CO 2 ) Wetland Revegetation Compulsory

Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (3 Volumes) Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National greenhouse Gas Inventories (2000) Database on GHG Emission Factors (EFDB) (2002) Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2003) UNFCCC Handbooks for Non-Annex I countries 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (5 volumes) IPCC Software KP Supplement and Wetlands Supplement Reporting e accounting for Annex I countries – the IPCC Guidelines

Tier 3 Emission factors High res. data (e.g. model) National land statistics combined with models Modelled data combined with LUC matrix (not necessarily spatially dis- aggregated) Geo-information at high- resolution, detailed time series, country-specific disaggregated data based on inventories and/or models Tier 2 Emission factors Country specific values National land statistics, combined with country- specific values – typical 1 st improvement Annual LUC stats, combined with country-specific values Geo-information country specific values – good coverage, detailed analysis Tier 1 Emission factors IPCC default values National land statistics, combined with IPCC default values – basic entry level Annual (or annualised) LUC stats presented as national matrix – applied using default IPCC values Geo-information and IPCC default values – weak, but better than App 1 and 2 Approach 1 National statistics Approach 2 Land Use Change matrix Approach 3 Geo-tracked Improved Land Coverage and Representation Increased accuracy Improving accuracy and robustness of estimates IPCC 2006 Tiers and Approaches for implementing 529/2013