Guidelines for SKITS 1.You will create a screenplay for your skit. Must be at least 4 pages double-spaced typed, or 3 pages handwritten. 2.Your presentation should teach the audience about the genetic disease. 3.BE CREATIVE! USE PROPS! MAKE UP NAMES! ROLES MAY INCLUDE DR.s, GENETIC COUNSELORS, PATIENTS, TALK SHOW HOSTS, AND RELATIVES. MAKE IT IEDUCATIONAL, INTERESTING AND FUN! 4.Your presentation should be at least 4 minutes long. Show a punnet square and at least 2 pictures of people with the disease. REMEMBER YOU ARE THE EXPERT. BE PREPARED FOR QUESTIONS. 5.You will have time today and tomorrow to work with your team. PRESENTATIONS ARE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. (research collected with skits on Thursday)
Content: Your dialogue-screenplay/SKIT should do the following: 1.Describe the symptoms of the genetic disorder and teach the audience what it would be like to have the disorder. 2.Explain the causes of the genetic disorder (is it dominant, recessive, sex linked, autosomal?) What chromosome is it on? 3.Identify who is usually affected (are people from a certain age group, race, or location more likely to have the genetic disorder?) 4.Discuss the recommended treatments. Include any side effects he or she may have from the treatment. 5. Explain the chances of recovery. Do people with this disorder fully recover, die or still suffer problems even after treatment?
GRADING: 1. SYMPTOMS CAUSE OF DISORDER WHO AFFECTED – 1 4. TREATMENTS – 1 5. RECOVERY PICTURES PRESENTATION/CREATIVITY - 15 (Creative, all participating equally, loud voices, great effort, visually entertaining and educational) 8. INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH - 10 TOTAL - 35 POINTS- TEST GRADE!!