New Zealand
There are six different funding avenues for feature film development FEATURE FILM DEVELOPMENT
Provides a development loan of $9,000 to writers, directors and key creative for early stage work applying without a producer formally attached to the project. Writers working on a project which already has a Producer attached should apply to the Early Development Fund (EDF). Writers and directors with feature film credits can apply to SDF but it is primarily designed for emerging talent. In any given financial year we aim to approve up to 10 SDF applications. 1. THE SEED DEVELOPMENT FUND (SDF)
Provides funding for development of fiction feature films up to a cumulative amount of $40,000 (including any funds received at SDF level). Applications generally shouldn’t exceed $20,000 for each tranche of development funding requested. In any given financial year we aim to approve up to 12 new project applications for EDF funding and to resource those existing EDF funded projects that continue to show demonstrable progress. 2. THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT FUND (EDF)
Supports dramatic feature projects in advanced development to a cumulative amount of $70,000 (including any funds received at SDF or EDF levels). You don’t need to have accrued $40,000 (or any NZFC development funding whatsoever) if the screenplay is genuinely at an advanced stage and approaching market- readiness as determined by our Development and Sales and Marketing Staff. 3. THE ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT FUND (ADF)
o It is an option for projects where there is an urgent need for funding where the project doesn’t fall under SDF, EDF or ADF criteria. Producers, writers and directors can apply for an amount of up to $20,000 at the invitation of the CEO. o A project that has reached $70,000 in development funds may apply for up to $20,000 at the discretion of the CEO. Please note that the CEOD is a discretionary fund and is only called upon in exceptional circumstances. We view this avenue as a contingency for when a clear plan does not translate into actuality. It should not be counted on as part of your development plan. 4. THE CEO DELEGATION (CEOD) A TWO-FOLD PATH FOR DEVELOPMENT
Will consider applications for advanced development funding from producers of projects that have met a cumulative $90,000 in development funding on that project. Applications for development funding can only be made to Board upon the recommendation of the CEO and the Development team. 5. THE NZFC BOARD (BOARD)
Producers should now apply separately to the Producers International Travel Assistance program to assist with market travel expenses with projects in advanced development. In the past we have considered market travel as an element of ADF applications.Producers International Travel Assistance We now have this separate facility available for market and international travel with the primary aim of assisting producers to establish contacts towards financing and packaging for their projects. PRODUCERS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ASSISTANCE
The NZFC provides funding for development of feature- length theatrical documentaries up to a cumulative amount of $15,000. Applications generally shouldn’t exceed $5,000 for each tranche of development funding requested. It is important to note that documentary development and production funding is not a key focus for us – we are principally concerned with fiction film projects. THEATRICAL DOCUMENTARIES