Forests are the wealth of our planet and work of nature - source of oxygen, food and human waste. It is also the source of health and harmony. 25% of all the world forests are located in Europe
Europe is within four vegetation zones: subtropical, temperate warm, moderately cold (boreal) and polar. The main feature of each zone, exept from polar one, is a kind of vegetation, which is dominated by forests. The forests in Europe cover almost 44% of land area
In the temperate warm zone the surface is dominated by forests, varies from the Atlantic deciduous forests, the mixed forests with gradually increasing towards the north eastern conifers forests which are the majority of all forests Over 90% of European forests is available for people
The temperate cool zone is rich in boreal conifers forests and dominated by spruce and fir trees in taiga, in parts there are pine forests. For every European inhabitant occurs 1.26 hectares of forest
The polar zone with poor vegetation is a small part of Europe mainland
The role of forests in Europe is priceless - the forests help to prevent floods by stopping excess of rain. During droughts they release water which softens its effects
Highly developed countries of Western Europe have implemented the rule of sustainable development respecting the laws of nature. It has to enable the use of natural environment such as the wealth of forests for future generations
The lack of environmental awareness and caring for the environment is the main feature of Easter European countries which reflects on a reduction in quality of life
Longevity is a feature of trees - a forest provides lasting for hundreds of years.... We can make forests last for our needs and benefits
Text and maps: E. Ratajczak „Potencjał gospodarczy przemysłów opartych na drewnie i perspektywy ich rozwoju", GUS, Warszawa 2012, Music: Pictures: Renata Jankowska, Ada Rusiecka Authoring: Renata Jankowska, Joanna Kowalczyk, Małgorzata Darłak Zespół Szkół Uzdrowiskowych w Rabce, II LO Thesis supervisor: Sylwia Koperniak, Bożena Knapczyk