Igneous- melted rock that cools and hardens Sedimentary- forms when layers of materials and rock particles settle on top of each other and harden Metamorphic- solid rock that has been squeezed and heated to very high temps. Its particles can take on diff. arrangements and change properties.
Rocky cycle- shows different ways one type of rock can become another. Rocks are made of minerals in many different sizes, shapes, and colors
Soil is made of weathered rock, decomposed plants and animals, bacteria, and fungi 3 layers of soil: topsoil, rocks and pebbles, and bedrock Bedrock breaks apart into one of three types of particles: ◦ sand- biggest grains; most space ◦ Silt- grains just large enough to see ◦ Clay- the grains too small to see; least space between particles- holds water
Humus- combines with sand, silt, or clay; basis for healthy, rich soil
Weathering is a process that makes sediments Examples: wind and water break pieces of sediment off of rocks Erosion is a process that moves sediments, and can cause major landform changes over time Examples: wind and water carry sediments from place to place
Mountains- formed when 2 plates run into each other Plains Oceans River valleys-low area caused by flowing water Coastlines- where ocean meets land Canyons- formed by flowing water (erosion) Plateaus River Deltas- growing pile of deposited sediment at mouth of a river (weathering & erosion)
Anything that people use that comes from the natural world ◦ Examples: stone, oil, wood, water, air, animals, plants Two types: ◦ Renewable resources: resources that replace themselves naturally (plants, water, air) ◦ Nonrenewable resources: resources that we have a limited supply of (cannot be replaced) example- fossil fuels
Sources of energy formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived millions of years ago Three Types: ◦ Coal, Natural Gas, Oil
Protecting resources (plants, animals, soil, etc.) Reduce- use less of resource Reuse- use more than once Recycle- turns something into something new
Dams produce electricity, prevent floods, and provide water for drinking and irrigation. Wastewater treatment buildings take in dirty water and clean it Pumping water from underground to help grow crops Create/use things that take in renewable energy resources to produce energy. (windmills, dams, solar cells, etc.)
Agriculture can cause erosion of topsoil which can cause fewer nutrients for the plants Humans build dams on rivers, which can cause fish to die off.