MODULE 5 LESSON 17 Practice placing various fractions on a number line.
Division Sprint 2 minutes End
Place Unit Fractions on a Number Line 1 2/22/2 ½ /26/2 5/55/5 10 / 5 1/31/3 9/39/3 1/41/4 8/48/4 4/44/4
Compare Unit Fractions 1/21/2 1 / 10 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/21/2 1/31/3 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/31/3 1/41/4 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/41/4 1/61/6 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/41/4 1/21/2 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/61/6 1/81/8 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/61/6 1/51/5 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Compare Unit Fractions 1/51/5 1 / 10 < Less Than = Equal To > Greater Than
Locate Points on a number line 0 1 Let’s locate the point 2 thirds ( ⅔ ) on a number line. How many equal parts are in the whole? First let’s draw a number bond showing a whole and 1 part as 2 thirds.
Locate Points on a number line 0 1 3/3 2/3 ? ⅓ How many equal parts do we need to divide the number line into?
Application Problem Sammy sees a black line at the bottom of the pool stretching from one end to the other. She wonders how long it is. The black line is the same length as 9 concrete slabs that make the sidewalk at the edge of the pool. One concrete slab is 5 meters long. What is the length of the black line at the bottom of the pool? 5 m 1 unit = 5 m 9 units = 5 x 9 = 45 m The black line is 45 m long.
Concept Development 14 3/3 2/3 ⅓ First, partition each whole into thirds. Say the fractions marked by the tic marks as I point to them. 2 3
Locate Points on a number line 0 1 Let’s locate the point 3 fifths ( ⅗ ) on a number line. How many equal parts are in the whole? First let’s draw a number bond showing a whole and 1 part as 3 fifths.
Locate Points on a number line 0 1 5/5 2/5 ? 3/ 5 How many equal parts do we need to divide the number line into?
Locate Points on a number line 0 1 5/5 3/5 2/5 First, we mark the fifths without labeling the fractions. Say the fractions marked by the tic marks as I point to them. ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ 5/55/5
Problem Set Fractions. I am fractions.