Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek WP 5: Creation of gridded abundance data products
Objectives Implement DIVA methodology to produce statistically optimized gridded map layers. Make gridded maps of 3 species per group in appropriate time window Estimate the accuracy of the gridding procedure by comparison with validation data. Produce indications of the precision of the result based on the distribution of the basic data Produce spatial maps (data products) relevant for MSFD Descriptor 2 (non-indigenous species). Produce spatial maps of quality indicators for MSFD, if available and feasible
Activities. I. Implement DIVA Ulg will make DIVA implementation available Use INSPIRE and EEA grid convention (100m, 1km, 10km, 100km) Datasets: Available: Calanus, benthos North Sea, mammals N.Sea, N. Atlantic, Bay of Biscay Extend to other sets in other areas dependent on availability
Activities. II. Incorporate environmental co- variables Benthos: grain size, bedforms, depth; Pelagos: water column chemistry, currents Datasets: Co-variables: benthic environment (grainsize, maps); pelagic?? Presences: mammal observations. Presence/absence: benthic datasets N Sea; Calanus
Activities. III. Convert presence-only into presence/pseudoabsence datasets. Develop algorithm based on knowledge of sampling programme within projects/campaigns (based on EMODNET I) Check methodology with presence/absence datasets Datasets: Benthos Oosterschelde: full estimation of percentile distributions Benthos N.Sea; Calanus: presence/absence Apply to mammals, fish,..
Activities. IV. Estimate accuracy and precision of gridding Methodological development within DIVA. State of affairs? Use to define minimal data requirements for gridding Test dataset: benthos Oosterschelde Apply to Extensive datasets allowing estimation of sampling variability Sparse datasets
Activities. V. Make invasion movies Test dataset: Mnemiopsis Black Sea Determine minimum time step for reliable gridding Make sequential maps illustrating invasion Apply to other invasions. Which?
Activities. VI. Produce gridded maps of everything available Guided by MSFD needs Check on quality / statistical distribution of indicators Based on data available within different EMODNET branches
Work programme Workshop I. Design general setup. Determine minimum required data distribution. Define data format for abundance data and environmental cofactors (all partners). Implementation of DIVA methodology (ULg, NIOZ, VLIZ) Inventory of availability of environmental data; setup of data flow model (NIOZ) Workshop II. Preparation of biological data for production of gridded data products (all partners) Implementation of suitable indicators for the production of maps (all partners, EU, lead NIOZ) Production of data products (lead ULg) Feedback and validation of the data products by data providers (all partners, lead VLIZ)
Playground dataset: Oosterschelde/Westerschelde benthos Thousands of samples per system over 10 years Non-linear multi-quantile regressions to estimate probability distributions as function of environmental variables Univariate case:
Univariate: estimate abundance quantiles from sediment grain size (d50) abundance D50 sediment
Comparison Oosterschelde-Westerschelde
Multivariate: currents / depth quantile as function of environment Similar graphs for other quantiles
Validated Reconstructions Habitat suitability
High-resolution sampling from distributions