Electronic signature: several experiences Fernando Galindo University of Zaragoza, Spain 12th June 2007 Beijing
Summary The LEFIS context On Electronic Signatures and PKIs An application: the LEFIS virtual campus Conclusion
The LEFIS context
From Europa
Partners institutions Europa America China India 255 persons: the information is in the web, but it is not possible to read it without the use of a certificate of public key. This is an example of the use of ciphered information in the web 260 suscriptors in the distribution list
Last Meetings Albarracín, Spain, 18th and 19th May 2007, the LEFIS virtual campus desing Beja, Portugal, 2th May 2007, Encontro Luso- Brasileiro sobre "Prote(c)ção do Consumidor no Comércio Ele(c)trónico" Istambul,Turkey, 2nd and 3rd February 2007, Information and Communication Technologies: Teaching of e-government Rovaniemi, Finnland,19th and 20th January 2007,The LEFIS Teaching in the Faculties of Law Vilnius, Lithuania, 13th and 14th April 2007, The Teaching of Management, e-business and e-comerce
Next Meetings Jaca, Spain,26th - 27th July, Segundo encuentro ibero latinoamericano sobre Gobierno electrónico e inclusión digital Reykjavik, Iceland, 13th -14th July, Legal informatics and egovernance as tools for the knowledge Society Santa Catarina, Brasil, 27th -28th June, Primeiro Encontro ibero latino americano de governo electronico e inclusao digital
Projects in activity and evaluation PRIME: Privacy and Identification Management GERSOCO: Governance and regulation estrategies for the knowledge society EGOBS: Observatory of electronic government Law&Ict shared virtual campus Legis: intensive programme on legal aspects of information society Lefis-wide: making known the LEFIS network Data protection and electronic signatures: a prototype, a practice code and a theory Lawful interception in Ip networks, Guidelines for potential policy Amendments.- LIGA
On electronic signature and PKIs Rules The construction of PKIs It is difficult to go to the praxis The development and use of PKIs by LEFIS Private area Public administrations
Rules Aequitas hypothesis as departure point The Admission as Evidence in Trials of Penal Character of Electronic Products Signed Digitally July 1998 European Directive on electronic signature (2000) Preparatory works Spanish regulation on electronic signature (1999) Preparatory works LEX NET, Spanish regulation on telematic transmission of documents in the Administration of Justice (26th January 2007),as example of rules Electronic Administration, Proposal of Law: the spanish Congress has approved the project. The Senate must approve the Law in next months
The construction of PKIs Past experience in he construction of PKIs FESTE: from 1997 Notaries Procurators: from 1997 Justice Administration Property registers: from 2000 Identification to access to the Registers European PKI with juridical institutions Project AEQUITAS. Trust frame for electronic documents exchange between european judicial operators. Information Society technologies. IST
It is difficult to go to the praxis Scarce PKIs function in Europa There are solutions in e-Government: Payment of taxes Consults to information on affiliation to the Social Security Reference in IDABC (Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens): Future several proofs, thanks to the promotion of the use of Electronic National Identity Cards: Spain, Belgium, Finnland...
The development and use of PKIs by LEFIS Our recent experience Private area Public Administrations
Private area APTICE Non governmental organization Advanced electronic signature: PKI Acces to contents of web pages and to learning resources 160 certificates Number of access using public keys from February 2007 to concrete learning resources
Public administrations Lefis.unizar.es/pki Applied research project Use of own certificates Use of Electronic National Identitiy Card Access to Public Administration pages Foreseen example: the LEFIS virtual campus
An example The LEFIS virtual campus step by step
Step 1.- The experience, this year Spanish students have in “Administracion electronica” teachers from Spain, Brasil and Argentina during : from February until June The same begins with brasilean and argentinian students during 2007: from June until December Blended system: traditional and on line learning systems Joint examinations Government support (Brasilean and Spanish)
Step 3.- The books: the LEFIS Serie, and the common infrastructure English book, published in JILT (Journal of Information and Law Technology) Spanish Book It is in the LEFIS Web page, only for owners of the LEFIS private-public key Privacy, first book of the LEFIS Serie in preparation (deadline 15th June) It will be included also in the LEFIS Web page: Access by public key On line teaching in the Faculties of Law: second book Joint courses in the LEFIS Web: A page for the LEFIS Virtual campus (in outcomes) Participants from different Universities, teachers and students Teachers and students need to use the LEFIS public-private key Instructions to generate and obtain the key / /
Step 3.- The collaboration: the joint courses The professors as collaborators of the teaching in concrete authorized courses by the respective University Graduate and postgraduate level Old courses, first New courses, later Assesment made also by the collaborating professors
Step 4.- The joint Diploms Last objective At least at graduate level From academic course Blended modality Diploms for the matriculated student in ordinary lectures, acknowledged by the own University Initialy by the signatures of the teachers Later by the own University organization Postgraduate level also From academic course : Master in LEFIS with several specialities: the application must be made by end January 2008 The proposal to the University is to made a Master (60 credits, blended and on line modality) promoted by LEFIS The partners will be all the interested LEFIS partners, specially the participants in the LEFIS Virtual Campus application The students ought pay the real cost of the inmatriculation in the Master The price will be adequate to the requirements of every University As soon as possible we shall require the neccesary documents from the partners Universities to agree on the basic common rules related with title, contents and organizative question
Step 5.- Erasmus programme The interchange of teachers and students is possible in Europa and America by Erasmus programme and another new programmes: old ALFA for example 22 Erasmus students this year in the Faculty of Law of Zaragoza, coming from the LEFIS Universities partners If the application to the virtual campus is sucessful the procedure will be improved with support to the formation of new teachers and organization and difussion meetings, But this is an added: the system functions as real example of application of e signatures!
Conclusion Recent rules based on e signature exist There are not yet enough active PKIs The Government institutions support several PKIs or only one (the last is a bad solution) It is neccesary to made real proofs attending to concrete present and future problems LEFIS has experience in real proofs