What is 21c Joined Up Care? 21c Joined Up Care is a partnership between social care and health services in North Derbyshire. The aim is to make sure health and social care services work together to use their money in the best way. Joined up care is about finding better ways of working and providing care services to the public.
21c Learning Disability Workstream 21c also have a team of people who look at learning disability services. This is called a ‘workstream’. The workstream has been set up to make sure services work together. They want to provide joined up care services for people with a learning disability in North Derbyshire. Learning Disabilities North Derbyshire
The workstream partnership is: Adult Care Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) People with learning disabilities and their carers Commissioning is about making sure the right care and support is in the right place at the right time. Who is in the workstream? Adult Care
Who will the workstream work with? The workstream will also link to other groups such as: Derbyshire Joint Commissioning Board Derbyshire Adult Care Board Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Board And most important, The Learning Disability Partnership Board
The workstream’s main aim is to make sure people can stay living in the community. Especially if they: Have high levels of need Are at risk of having to live in hospital or residential care. The workstream believes that when people are in control of their own support they choose to live as independently as possible in the community What does the workstream want to do? High
Are able to live in a place they can call home Have things to do in the day time such as community groups, voluntary work or meeting with friends Are able to access education, stay healthy and use services such as libraries Are able to have choice and control over their lives, care and support To share information and experiences with other people with a learning disability What does the workstream want to do? The workstream want to make sure that people with learning disabilities :
The NHS in North Derbyshire spends £13.4 million on services for people with learning disabilities Adult Care spend £64.6 million across the county of Derbyshire How services are spending their money at the moment Adult Care
Adult Care and the NHS are thinking about putting the money they each spend on learning disability services into one place This is known as a ‘pooled budget’ Together they are thinking of new ways of helping people to plan and receive their care and support For example, a person may have a personal health budget and a personal budget from Adult Care which can be used together. How services are planning to spending their money in future Pooled Budget Health budget
The workstream want to start to look at people who live in a hospital setting or use hospitals for a short break service They want to look at other, better options to help these people achieve their aims and personal goals This will be achieved by personalised support planning
The workstream partnership wants you to be involved and let them know what you think about things They would like to work with the Partnership Board, Taskforce and the Good Health Group We will get in touch with you when we NEED your advice!