Slide 1 Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Budget Proposals January 2013 Alison Comley Strategic Director – Health and Social Care
Slide 2 Health and Social Care The Health and Social Care Directorate 3 elements to the directorate Care management – social care assessments Care services – we directly provide eg day services, intermediate care Commissioning – services we commission eg residential care Part of new People Directorate in January All of our work directly impacts on older and disabled people
Slide 3 Health and Social Care Summary of Savings Proposals for Health and Social Care 2014 – 2017 The council will need to make savings of around £90M over the next three years Current budget for H&SC is £121m Proposed savings for Health and Social Care of £6.5m, made up of Discretionary spend £1.8m Statutory spend £4.7m In addition to Change programme already in train delivering £1.9m
Slide 4 Health and Social Care Impacts on specific equalities groups Key Proposals Reduction in Supported Housing budget for physically and sensory impaired people and older people Development of 0-25 service Review the use of School Road – 7 respite beds Impact: Significant change for older & disabled people in the level of housing related support provided Joining with Children and Young People’s Services (People Directorate)should provide improved transition for young disabled people into adulthood Potential change in respite provision for families who currently use service
Slide 5 Health and Social Care Proposals which will improve quality of life Key Proposals Expand Shared Lives Programme Expand Community Supported Accommodation Increase use of Direct Payments Impact: Enabling people to live independently, and outside of residential settings Expanding on successful work that we are already doing
Slide 6 Health and Social Care Reductions in funding Key Proposals Reduction in VCS funding Cease specialist floating support for older people Impact: Some of funded VCS organisations work with specific equalities groups Floating support still available, but not specific to older people’s needs
Slide 7 Health and Social Care Re-commissioning our services for better value Key Proposals Re-commission Housing Related Support Residential and Nursing Placements Impact: More people living in their own accommodation with support Greater supply of accommodation and services locally Better value for money
Slide 8 Health and Social Care Thanks for listening. Any questions?